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Shirabu's P.O.V.

It's about 1:00 am and I get a text. Maybe it's because I'm tired and my brain isn't working... Yeah, that has to be it. I look up from the pile of papers and pick up my phone. It's an unknown number.


Me-? Satori?

Unknown- Did you hit your head again? You and your stupidity.

Me- My name's not satori. I think you have the wrong number. Sorry.

Unknown- Really?! Crap I'm sorry. Didn't mean to bother you. Have a nice day.

Me- Wait. Why are you up so late if you're younger than 19 than school starts tomorrow?

Unknown- weird question to ask a stranger but my friend took me to a party, got drunk, and left me. How come you're awake?

Me- I have my notifications on full volume and just got back from being at my sister's house.

That's a lie. Obviously I'm not going to tell a random person why I'm up this late. Thinking that we're done talking I turn off my phone watching the screen go black. That's when my phone glows signaling I have a new notification.

Unknown- Oh. Since we're on the topic of weird questions. What school do you go to?

I opened the messages back up where once again I was greeted with this stranger's number.

Me- Well I just switched schools so I'm going to go to Shiratorizawa. And I'll be a second year.

Unknown- Really I go there I'll be a third year! It's a nice school. You'll like it. Maybe if I find you around we can be friends and I can show you around?

Me- sure. What's your name? It'll be hard trying to find a stranger without knowing their name.

Unknown- It's semi. Eita Semi. You know it would be funny if I saw someone running around showing them their phone asking if they texted someone. I would be laughing my ass off you'd look like a dumbass doing that.

Me- Are you calling me a dumbass? Well I hope you have fun running around school flashing your phone to people trying to find me. We'll see who'll be the dumbass. Asshat.

I giggle slightly as I save this number as 'Asshat'. It feels nice to let out a genuine laugh even if it is just for a slight second.

Asshat- look I'm sorry! Please tell me your name.

Me- You sound creepy.

Asshat- Please! 🥺

Me- Fine. It's Kenjiro Shirabu.

Asshat- Ah! Well, you fell into my trick. If you call me Asshat then I call you Crappybu.

Me- don't you dare!

Asshat- Sigh. You're right I don't need to have a potty mouth to prove a point.

Shiraboob- I hate you.

Asshat- I'll call you shiraboob.

Shiraboob- no.

Asshat- Yes.

Shiraboob- no.

Asshat- yes

Shiraboob- whatever night.

Asshat- oh. Night see ya around.

I turn off my phone, once again letting the only light in my room be from the lamp on my desk. I look down at my papers. This is probably going to take till 2 so, I might as well get started.

~This is my first story and I don't know if it's good but I'll continue. also this isn't my art it is someone else's and I bet it's a lovely person!! Thanks for reading \(^•^)/~

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