20) Let's sing for them.

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~ I love little mix and this will be one of the songs they sing because why not. Thanks for all the support and fun comments I really appreciate it 🤗 -Author-Chan~

Hanamaki has the same game. He asked me to beat that level too. It took me two weeks." He says obviously to make me feel better.

No one's P.O.V

(Sugawara, Akaashi, Kenma, Suna, and Kenjiro are wearing the same outfit but Kenma a red theme instead of pink, Akaashi gold, Oikawa light blue, Suga orange and Suna fully black.)

About 2 minutes later Suga directs the three to the middle of the gym. Suna had gotten to the party a little late but makes his way to the group. Truth be told Oikawa, Kenjiro, Suna, Kenma and surprisingly Akaashi may have had more than a little bit of drinks. Clearly not thinking well Oikawa glances at the 'stage' (wooden planks stacked and made stable by Ushijima) then looks to his four friends.

"Hey guys~?" The boys put their newly empty glasses down and direct their attention to the one in the blue skirt.

"What idea do you have now?" Suna asks downing a shot that he stole from someone next to him. He points to the stage he was once looking at.

"Let's sing a song for everyone. No one's currently on stage it basically inviting us to it. Plus it'll be our chance to see if anyone likes our songs."

Not thinking anything of it, they nod their heads and start toward the 'stage'. Seeming to catch everyone's attention people start to quiet down and look up at the five. After a thirty second discussion Suna grabs some microphones and connects his phone to the speakers. The five take their places with Suga in the middle. The song begins to start. Once the song ends the gym erupts into applause. It didn't take too long after that until another song had started it went like this for an hour and the audience had no problem with it as they like the sounds of their friends/teammate's voices. Kenjiro is the first to get off the stage bumping into someone after stepping off it.

"Hey Shirabangs! Those were some nice songs!" He covers his ears a bit.

"Tendou you are right in front of me don't yell." The red head pouts and follows his kouhai as he walks to the bar and pours himself drink after drink. Thinking of a fun game, Tendou starts drinking with Kenjiro, eventually when the setter was pretty tipsy making a challenge to see who could drink the most. The setter clearly not thinking straight agrees... and looses. A whine is heard from the second year as he gets taunted by the third year. The Ash-blonde finds his way back to the bar.

"Hey guys. What's going on?" Shirabu sticks his tongue out at Semi and makes a scrunched-up face.

Semi's P.O.V.

HOLY HELL THAT'S ADORABLE!!! Obviously, he did that to try to make me angry but it was so cute. I try to grab a bottle of Whiskey but Kenjiro takes it from me and puts the bottle in his lap then makes puppy eyes.

"If you want the bottle than take it from me." I lift my eyebrow and tilt my head.


I grab the bottle tightly and tug on it but it doesn't budge. Shirabu takes this time to lift my face up by my chin and bring his face close to mine only inches apart. Afraid he'd feel the warmth radiate from skin I look away from him. He leans in, smirks and whispers.

"You'll have to try a lot harder than that cutie." For a second my breathing stops, everything stops. Did Kenjiro Shirabu just call me cutie?! I want to kiss him but he has a boyfriend and I know my boundaries. I pull away and do something that will definitely allow me to have what I want.


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