3)A friend

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Tendou's P.O.V.

I was talking to Wakatoshi-kun walking backwards when I accidentally bumped into someone. I turn around to see a short boy. He is odd if I were to speak just going by his looks but where am I to talk? The boy looks nervous, maybe he doesn't like people? I apologize to him pointing out his height as a joke which Wakatoshi has a different view on telling me not to call people nicknames. I love the guy but he's a little... serious at times. I decide that I'm about to walk off when Yamagata and Semi walk over. I can tell that Semi is still pissed about last night/earlier by his glare. Trying to save myself from death I call out to Semi in a happy tone.

"Hey S- "I go to speak but am rudely cut off by the bell. Come on world that was my only chance to make him not mad at me. Oh boy am I screwed. I try to run but Semi grabs my ear and yanks me towards our first class. Ushi looks at the boy who seemed out of place near us and apologizes for our behavior. He mentions clubs and stuff like that and said that if he wanted he can come to the gym for volleyball tryouts. And just like that we were off leaving the boy in confusion.

Shirabu's P.O.V.

What in the world just happened? Once that chaotic group leaves I head to my first class. When I get to my class I instantly feel out of place. Even just walking in this school I feel out of place. I don't know anyone here, so I go to the far back of the class and pick a seat next to the window. I guess it must be obvious that I'm nervous as a boy who sits in the seat next to me taps my shoulder. He has ginger colored hair and serious eyes, yet I don't feel scared by them.

"Hey. Are you new?" He blatantly asks. "You look a little out of place."

This one is different; he is kind and cares. Though I'm embarrassed and unsure of this school I answer him.

"Is it that obvious?" I blush in embarrassment. He chuckles a little. Up until now I've been insanely nervous of people but this one isn't too bad.

"Yeah a little. I'm Taichi Kawanishi. What about you?"

"Kenjiro Shirabu. So, this is your second year at this school?"

"Yeah. I mean I went to junior high in Shiratorizawa but yeah this my second year."

"Can you tell me about it?."

I am dying to know more about this school. I hate being left in the dark about things. Guess I'm a little stubborn. But aren't we all? Don't we all have those attributes that others see negatively? I tend to have lots of those...

"Everyone Is pretty chill here but when there's drama It gets around fast, I advise you to stay away from it... Or not wouldn't be my problem. The third years pretty much own this school. The second years are all depressed, and the first years are irrelevant. Also, all or most of the teachers are done with life and the kids here meaning they don't really care what we do."

"Oh. That's... Oh. I don't know how I feel about this school especially with that."

"I probably made it sound worse than it really is. Do you have any hobbies? You going to join any clubs here?"

"Uh... I was thinking about volleyball. I like it and drawing though I don't think I'm that good at it."

After I say that the boy looks at my desk where my notebook is and stares at the page in astonishment. He is looking at the one I had done of my mom. He scoffs and rests his head on his hand looking at me.

"Don't think you're good at it? Please what are you a dumbass? This is really good."

I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"That's the second time I've been called a dumbass today. I swear the world is trying to tell me something."

The boy looks at me confused. He opens his mouth to ask me a question and I answer before he can ask.

"Some random guy who texted me yesterday well technically this morning."

Kawanishi shoots me that look a girls' friend would give her if she told her about her crush. For some reason my face gets warm and I blush. Maybe it's because he made a comment about that guy. Or maybe I imagine him making that face if I tell him about that cute guy I saw earlier.

"Random guy?" He raises his eyebrows.
I giggles and tell him about the guy though I leave out his name. I don't know why I tell Taichi this. I know I wouldn't do that with anyone else so why is he so special? During lunch we eat together on the roof looking at the sky watching the clouds. It turns out Taichi has all my classes with me and is also already on the volleyball team. By the end of the day, I feel like I knew Taichi since childhood. Thinking about him reminds me of someone I used to know. I can't remember his name. They looked a little similar too. Heh it's just a coincidence.


~A/n: A nice wholesome start for what won't be a so wholesome and cute, fluffy story. Thanks for reading! ( If anyone ever does read this.) ~

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