10) Cheating

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~Merry Christmas!! On this day your present will be two angsty chapters. All jokes aside I hope you are having a good day and enjoyed yourself. -Much love, Author-Chan\(^-^)/~

His lips are soft
~Tw:Slight Abuse~

No one’s P.O.V.

Kenjiro excuses himself from the table and 30 seconds later Sora tells the other two he’d be heading to the balcony for a smoke leaving just Kawanishi and Yuta at the table. Yuta takes a sip of his lemonade and looks to the ginger with sympathy.

“Hey… Sorry for Sora he’s a bit of a-“

“Jerk? Yeah. What’s his deal anyways? Not to be rude but he doesn’t seem to care for you much.” Yuta looks up, eyes removed of sympathy and more of regret.

“That’s because he doesn’t. He doesn’t care for…Kenjiro? Either. He just wants to be in a relationship and show his dominance, let people know that he’s in charge and calls the shots. He doesn’t even care for me like a boyfriend he just tells me what to do and I listen though we do “hang out” often.” Yuta puts air quotes when he says hang out.

“What of you and Kenjiro?” He decides that that’s the copper heads name as he wasn’t corrected when saying it the first time.

“What of us?” Yuta rolls his eyes and sighs.

“Are you two actually together?” Kawanishi looks around to see if Shirabu or Sora were around.

“No. He just asked me to be his pretend boyfriend last night when S-bitch texted him. But if that picture gets out we’re both screwed.”

“How so?”

“Well Shira likes someone else and so do I.”

“That kiss didn’t seem like just a platonic kiss the though.”

“Good I guess. I mean we kind of have to make Sora think that we’re actually dating. We hoped it wouldn’t come to that but desperate times call for desperate measures.”

~With Kenjiro~

The Copper head boy has just been standing there staring at his reflection. Though one thing on his mind.

‘That’s the first time I’ve kissed someone since we broke up.’ Normally this wouldn’t be a big thing but for Kenjiro it is because He doesn’t even think that he’s completely over Sora in the first place. He never wanted to break up with him, even with everything the elder did to him. He never wanted to be apart from Sora. He wants him back. But now he’s with Yuta, a brown haired blue eyed, attractive person. He wants to cry but doesn’t at the same time. Snapping out of his thoughts he feels hands grab his hips. He turns to see the person he so strongly wants to be with.

“Sora?” The blonde boy pulls Kenjiro close letting their bodies graze each other while letting his warm fingers glide across Kenjiro’s cheeks.

“Baby what’s wrong?” He moves hair from Kenjiro’s face and looks deep into his eyes making the boy shiver. The setter clings to Sora and nuzzles his face into the elder’s chest taking in the harsh and toxic aroma he gave off.

“I’m sorry! I never meant to leave you! I never wanted to! I still love you I’m so, so sorry! I know we broke up and you’re with Yuta now but I just want you to at least know how I feel and that I miss you-” Kenjiro feels his chin being lifted up and a soft kiss being planted on his lips. This is what he wants. To be back in Sora’s arms once again. No he doesn’t feel safe but he feels back to his old self. The past he missed so much. He didn’t like it but it was compelling and he can’t get rid of it.  The hazel eyed boy lifts the setter up holding him in his arms as that setter wraps his legs around him. They both want this… In this moment. He deepens the kiss letting the smaller boy melt into this heated make out. He kisses down his neck, leaving small, light marks on the places that will be covered by the cloth surrounding the rest of his skin and fiddles with Shirabu’s hair with one hand providing small pulls to it… After a while of this, reality hits Kenjiro hard and he pulls back making an excuse that he couldn’t breathe. He realizes they both have ‘boyfriends’ and technically he’d be cheating on Taichi and Sora is cheating on Yuta. Why had he been so stupid and selfish? Only thinking of his own wants and needs. Sora chuckles.

“Babe don’t worry we aren’t together. He’s here because I wanted an excuse to see you. We aren’t dating don’t worry.” He plants yet another kiss on Shirabu’s lips. “And I already know that you and that monotone freak aren’t together either, it’s obvious.” This is true but Kenjiro can’t let it seem like that.

“No we’re actually together. I have photos on my phone to prove it. We shouldn’t be doing this. Please let go of me.” 

The elder grabs onto the younger tighter letting the skin on Kenjiro’s legs redden. He laughs in a sadistic way.

“Even if you two are together who said you’d get what you want? Kenjiro Shirabu you started this. You can have one thing. You want this right?” This is what scares Kenjiro. When Sora gets mean and demanding.

“N-no. I don’t I just-“ Sora squeezes his legs tighter most likely to leave a bruise for the next day. He continues until his nails start to scratch his skin and Kenjiro let’s out a whimper of pain. He grabs the smaller by the face and makes him look him in the eyes.

“You want me right?”

“Y..Y-yes.” Like magic Sora loosens his grip on the young setter letting the blood flow back into his legs. He kisses him on the cheek and then puts him down and walks out the bathroom.

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