21) Bold

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I get on my knees in front of him and tilt the bottle down letting the alcohol pour into my mouth. I look up at him and just as I suspected he's in shock. So is Tendou and a lot of others who are watching this happen. He wouldn't be Suna if he didn't record and as he does his thing he pulls the other three over to look. I forward all my attention to my crush again yet this time I can see him looking dead into my eyes with a smile and he pats my head. Taken back by this I move the empty bottle back tilted back to its original position and stand up.

"Oh~ SemiSemi that was bold of you to do." I nod. I will probably never have confidence like that ever again. I try not to think about what I just did and behind me I can feel a harsh and cold glare almost like someone trying to drill holes in the back of my head. I gain my composure and look behind me seeing a blonde-haired boy. Why is he staring at me? Kenjiro follows my gaze and almost pops right up from his seat. The boy looks me in my eyes with a cold look then looks at Shirabu with a smile.

"Hey Kenji." Who the hell is this guy? How does he know Kenjiro? Why did he call him 'Kenji'? Why do I already want to dismember his body and hide it from the cops?

"Sora?" Kenjiro asks rubbing his eyes as if he was seeing something. The guy walks over and as he gets near he subtly pushes me away from Shirabu. Is this Kenjiro's boyfriend? He leans down and plants a kiss on my kouhai's lips making me growl softly under my breath. He plays with Kenjiro's hair and Oikawa, Suna, Akaashi, Suga and Kenma walk over with pissed faces I probably would've noticed if I was not drunk currently. Oikawa moves Sora away from Kenjiro and whispers something to him making the tall guy laugh such a fake laugh. The seven walk outside and me being nosey, curious George I follow but make it so they don't know I'm there.

"Sora leave him alone. He doesn't like you anymore." Oikawa rolls his eyes.

"Oh. Except he does right baby? He wouldn't stop saying it to me last night." I gag. This guy is a total douche. He grabs Kenjiro's arm and pulls him closer but Suga slaps him.

"Don't think for a second that just because he's drunk and you guys had something going on last year that he likes you. Stop playing with him. He deserves better than you especially after the crap you do." He just shrugs not caring what Sugawara says or does. He just fiddles with a nervous Shirabu. Why doesn't he say something?

"Guys it's fine leave him alone... love him." Suna face palms.

"No, you don't. He plays with you to get you to play his game. If he loves you would he hurt you everyday? Take advantage of you when you aren't in your right state of mind? Stop lying to yourself. If he loves you it wouldn't matter what you do, say, wear or whatever he would support you for everything and never lay his hands on you. And if you truly loved him you wouldn't cry to us and complain about him." This seeming to stir up emotions in my drunk, and currently extremely sensitive kouhai he snaps.

"Then who would love me?! My busy with work mom? Not caring siblings? ......My dad? He's the only one who stuck by my side! Even if he pretends to care it's still pretending, letting me have the illusion that I am somebody! The pain he inflicts makes me remember to do better! Without him I have no one! I am a nobody. No one notices me. Nothing! I can't go back to that! I can't... no I don't like that he hurts me but... at least he's here, right? ..." wow. I would never have guessed that this is what he's dealing with. "Please don't make me go back to the loneliness and the sleepless nights." As anticlimactic as it seems Sora gets a call and simply walks away driving off in no rush. Akaashi puts a hand on Kenjiro's shoulder.

"You have us. You have your teammates. You are never alone Shira. Yeah at some points it may seem like it but you aren't. I know that tomorrow you probably won't remember any of this and things with you and Sora will go back to how they just were but please don't ever think that you are alone or that you have no one nor that you are a no one. Because to us your friends and people who would never leave you, you are a major someone."

He flashes a small smile to Shirabu. Kenma hold out his switch to his friend.

"Wanna go play games, talk about anything or anyone else, then all sleep over at yours?" Even I know Kenma isn't good with conversation no matter who it's with but Shirabu slightly smiles and nods taking the switch. They go inside surprisingly not noticing me. I walk out to where that group once was. My brain hurts. What does any of this mean? I scan the area subconsciously almost like my brain hopes to find answers just lying around. In the corner of my eye, I see a boy though. Like the other, staring at me but this time not in a harsh, angry way. This is more or so trying to debunk what is going on. He catches on to my gaze and he walks closer. He's not much taller than me, has brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a black hoodie and jean shorts. I wave to him.

"Hi who are you?" Probably from some other team. He tilts his head and jolts when the door slams open and a green Iwaizumi runs out. Instead of continuing his journey to me he runs to Iwaizumi kneeling down, keys in his hand to check on the boy.

"'Ime are you okay?!" Iwaizumi nods and turns to the boy now with confusion.

"Yu? What are you doing here? I told you, you didn't have to come." The boy sighs and gets up as I awkwardly stand there in silence.

No one's P.O.V.

"Sora dropped me off and then started drama just to leave. Are you sure you're okay you look a little..."? He pauses seeming like trying to find the right word. "Green." The door opens once again but this time exiting Issei and Takahiro laughing covered in some drink. The skinny brown haired boy hides behind the now okay wing spiker and clings to his shirt. Issei notices the two first and runs to hug Iwaizumi who becomes green once again yet stops when he notices the scared boy behind his vice captain.

"Hey! You're Yuta, right?" The boy slowly nods and Hanamaki speaks up.

"Aren't you a soccer kid? How come you're here? Are you picking up 'Iwa-chan'?" he laughs putting quotes around 'Iwa-chan'.

"That's none of your business dimwits and quite frankly I think he doesn't like either of you especially you Matsukawa."

"Ime where's your boyfriend? Is he here?" Yuta says glancing around.

"One. He's not my boyfriend. Two. Oikawa is inside, I don't know where but he is." He leaves and heads inside leaving Matsukawa and Hanamaki chasing Iwaizumi while Semi stands there like an idiot.

~\(•-•)/ I'm back an have an actual idea for where this story is going! -Authour-Chan~

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