4)Both Setters?!

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During Tryouts~

Semi's P.O.V.

I'm sitting next to Reon since he's the only one on this team who doesn't drive me crazy. Tendou comes up to me with a volleyball and a smirk. Just the mere sight of him reminds me of what he did earlier, and I stand up instantly. I guess he catches on as he immediately drops the volleyball and starts to back away.
"SemiSemi I'm sorry!!! I didn't mean to leave you."

I pick up the dropped volleyball and smack it against the ground, grabbing it once it bounces back up. I serve the ball straight to Tendou's face and he just so happens to be at the doors when Kawanishi and another boy walk in. Tendou ducks and the ball heads straight for the newbie. I hiss and shut my eyes as I heard a loud smack. Scared to open my eyes I feel something hit my head and then a chuckle. When my eyes open I see the boy is just standing there. He isn't hurt or anything. Except he just looks down at the floor. What happened in that split second?

Tendou's P.O.V.

I laugh as the ball hits Semi on the head. The new kid who walked in received the ball in reaction I think. He probably feels bad but, it was Semi's fault the ball wasn't caught. I'm about to applaud the boy when Ushijima walks in. I direct all my attention to him like I'm a bird, and he is a shiny object.


I plant a small peck on his lips causing him to blush from being caught off guard and Kawanishi to gag. I direct Ushijima to the rest of the group and whisper to him about that new kid.

"Ushi you should've seen it. SemiSemi tried to kill me and then he served a ball to me but I ducked all right? Okay, Okay I ducked and the ball was headed to that copper headed kid but he received it and it went up in the air and Semi had his eyes closed and got hit in the head with the ball." I jumble my words together. Realizing how fast and incoherent I sounded.

"You said 'and' a lot. Also, I don't understand what you just said."
I know he doesn't understand what I said but oh well. Once the coach gets here we start the tryouts with the already members watching the new ones. There are at least fifteen people here. I guess we're popular in the volleyball category. We introduce ourselves and our positions. We start the order by our jersey numbers.

"I am Wakatoshi Ushijima the captain a third year and a wing spiker."
Always so formal.

"Jin Soekawa vice-captain, third year, setter, pinch server."

"Eita Semi, also setter and pinch server. Third year"

Oh, this seems to get slanted bangs' attention. He looks up at Semi immediately after he introduces himself.

"Reon Ohira Wing spiker and also a vice captain and third year."
Finally, it's my turn.

The rest of my team just looks at me weird. I shrug it off. Everyone introduces themselves averagely and Kawanishi was just bored with it while being flat out tired as always and Yamagata was just as excited about his underclassmen as I am. Now it's time for the newbies. There are some random kids and then there is a first year that sticks out to me.

"My name is Tsutomu Goshiki! I play Wing spiker! I'm also a first year! It's been my dream to be the Ace!"
I like this kid he has bowl cut bangs and looks and acts so innocent. Now it's slanted bangsies turn. I hope we get another setter.

"...Kenjiro Shirabu... Setter. Second year..."

Damn I must be psychic! Now it's SemiSemi's turn to be surprised as he also looks up just like Shirabu did when he introduced himself. We do the tryout stuff and I notice the entire time Semi looks so anxious and can't keep his eyes off that newbie setter.

What is his deal?

That One MessageTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon