13) Why isn't he like this?

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"Oh yeah... I forgot about that."

Kenjiro wakes up to see what he'd knew would happen and feared the thought of it. The once light pink bruises are now a dark purple and extremely painful to touch. He notices a note next to him that tells him to get his rest up and that they'll talk more during lunch. He gets dressed and puts on his practice wear under his uniform. He gets ready to go out the house and once he reaches the door he hears voice he hasn't heard in a while.

"Kenjiro. Will you be out again today?" He turns and sees exactly who he thought it'd be. He smiles with just the sight of her. He is about to say no when flashes of last night pop into his head.

"Uh yeah Mom at a friend's house."

"Will you be staying?"

"I don't know most likely I will. Did you need something?"

The woman grabs her purse, slips on her heels and kisses her son on his head, fixing his hair a little bit.

"No just be safe dear. I love you. Make sure though when you do get home to get that stuff And I'll talk with you later." The woman opens the door.

"Wait Mom! If you take the limo we'll have time to talk."

"Smart boy. Don't tell your other siblings but you might be my favorite."

She holds the door open for her son and he steps out as well as herself. There as if he heard their conversation Botan awaits next to the limo with the door open. The two get in and Botan closes the door, going to his own driver seat.
"Thank you Botan."

"You're very welcome Ms. Tsukumo."

"Please. Drop the formalities call me Kira you've known me since I was a little girl."

"It wouldn't be polite."

"Just take it into consideration."

"I will." Botan drives off while Kenjiro and his Mother speak. Once at the school Kenjiro grabs a bowl of rock candy and takes it with him.

"See you later Mom."

"I love you darling I will see you later."

"Love you."

As the small boy walks into the gym room he's greeted with his team in a not so good condition. Some are puking and are some alright. Taichi sees his friend and runs and hugs him. Shirabu hands Taichi the bowl.


"Sure. Thanks." He takes one. "So apparently some of the third years and Goshiki got drunk and now don't feel good so we don't have afternoon practice and we can do whatever we want for this one."

"Uh-Huh. Well I'm just going to sit over there and draw." The boy with the bowl goes and sits on the bleachers to draw. Taichi sits next to him.

"Hey Kenji?" Kenjiro looks hums not looking up from his work. "What position did you play in your old school and what was the school?" Kenjiro looks up.

"I went to Shizukana Mausu high school... and played libero..."

"So that's why your receives are so good. Wait Shizukana Mausu? Aren't they famous for tricking other teams?"

"Yep. The masters of it. They wait silently for what they want then get it without hesitation. Even when they strike they are still quiet. It's not only the team but the entire school is that way, quiet as a mouse that's why no one ever hears about it, and only one person runs it Sora Kiyoshi."

"Oh. He runs the school?"

"Mhm. Everyone knows him. Pretty popular, girls ,guys and those in between all fawn over him."

"How'd you end up with him? If you don't mind me asking."

"I Don't." Kenjiro huffs and puts his pencil down to look at Kawanishi. "We were on the same team. He asked me to help him with receives and to receive the ball so he could spike it again. I'd go to his house or he'd go to mine so we could practice. When he started to realize how I felt towards him he made a bet with me if he could get me to admit that I liked him. There was no if I won the bet we both knew that. And he won. That's how it went down. We dated, I moved, we broke up. Anything else?"

"No. Wait you're coming to the party tomorrow right?" Party? He hadn't heard of any party plans.

"Uh I don't know. I'm just hearing about this and I have things to do tomorrow. What time does it start?"

"Right after practice Tendou is going to take us." Kenjiro puts the back of his pencil near his mouth and starts nibbling on it.

"If I ask my mom I might be able to go. I just have to finish my work first then I could go. Who will be there?"

"I was told a couple of teams and it's at Aoba Johsai. So Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, Johzenji, Karasuno, Inarizaki, Itachiama and some others." Kenjiro keeps nibbling on the pencil and looks down at his sketchbook.

"Fukurodani?" Taichi nods his head.

"Who's at Fukurodani that you want to see?" He replies with a small, whispery 'no one' before taking his pencil and drawing small curvy streaks on his paper.

"Tell me about you." Taichi scoffs and rubs the back of his neck.

"There's not much to know. I'm the only child to a middle class family. My mom has a dog. Never met my dad. I like swimming and my favorite fruit is strawberries."



"Oranges are better."

"No they aren't. Ummm. My favorite color is Bronze." The two joke around and talk. After 5 minutes which feels like forever Kenjiro shivers.

"Hey Taichi?" He earns a 'hum'.

"I know this is weird but can you please hold me? If you don't want to that's fine I was just- " He's cut off by being lifted up and put into the middle blockers lap facing each other. The smaller feels his ears start to warm up and his throat to tighten. Why does he feel safe? Why does he like this so much? Being held by someone who cares. Before he knows it that salty liquid starts to flow down Kenjiro's face uncontrollably. Now he slightly realizes he wants Sora to be like this. Meanwhile a certain Ash blonde setter glares at the ginger middle blocker.

"Why is The dumbass in Taichi's arms?" A sick Tendou smiles.

"Are you...Jealous~? Perhaps?" He rushes the 'perhaps'. Semi huffs and sits back down. He is jealous but why? Both boys are just his friends so what was he so jealous about? And he only just met Kenjiro. The gym doors burst open and a man walks in. He looks a little like coach washijo just a little younger, Brown hair and brown eyes, plus a little taller and dare say a scarier aura. Everyone snaps their attention over. Kenjiro's tears stop and the sick stop their groaning. The man dismisses the rest and goes straight to coach Washijo allowing the others to see what the jacket the old man was wearing said.

'Shizukana Mausu boys' Volleyball team'

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