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After Practice~

Semi's P.O.V.

That's the boy. The one I talked to last night. The same one I saw this morning talking to Tendou. He's actually... really...cute. He has pale skin, dusted pink cheeks, cute lips, nice brown hair, golden brown eyes, a small build, weird bangs but they complement his features. I sit down watching him and the others 'Show us what they got' as per Tendou's words. Damn. He's a good setter and can dig a ball almost as well as Hayato. If I had to be honest, he's better than I am. One thing I notice though is the way he acts towards Taichi. During a break that was so graciously given to us by the Demon Coach himself the boys seemed like good friends. Now that that whole thing is over I decide to go over and ask Taichi about Kenjiro. The two are already conversating and as I approach the two Kenjiro ducks his head down and whispers something to Taichi. I see a smirk on my teammate but disregard it.

"Hey guys." I try to say in a not intimidating tone. I earn a 'Hi' back from Taichi but not a word from Shirabu. Does he not like me? Maybe I scare him? I'm about to say something else hoping Shirabu would say something, but he speaks up before I have to.

"Semi-San may I talk to you?" he shyly says. His voice is nice. Again, before I could speak he grabs me by my arm, grabs his stuff, and pulls me out of the gym.

"Did you need to talk to me?" The boy stayed silent for a while and then decided to take his phone out of his bag and show me his text messages. Specifically, the ones I texted him this morning.

"I didn't go around the whole school flashing my phone to people." I hear a little sass in that sentence.

"Still makes you a dumbass." I laugh. The golden eyed boy kicks me in my no-no square. Even for a small boy he sure does kick hard as hell. I let out a wince of pain and Kenjiro takes a picture then walks away.

"Text me back when you aren't looking like a dumbass yourself." He remarks. Damn that hurt. That little bastard. If he makes the team I'm definitely showing him hell. I hear cackling from behind me and know exactly who it is. Another bastard yet this one left me at a party this morning, The one and only Satori Tendou.

"In a bit of a dilemma there?" He giggles. Oh, how I want to punch him so bad.

"What do you want Tendou?" I snap. He replies while blowing me a raspberry. Can I kill him now?

"Coach wants all of the team to stay to make a decision. Only the tryoutnees get to leave. Guess that means you're stuck with me, and we still have a dorm together. Oh, how fun this will be!" He swings his arm around my neck and starts walking to the gym. Seriously can I kill him now?! Is tryoutnees even a word? We end up staying an extra hour and conclude only six will join, 5 first years including Goshiki and 1 second year being Shirabu. The coach leaves for the day having us clean up before we leave. Tendou goes on his little mission trying to pry Kenjiro's number from Kawanishi, somehow he'd already gotten Goshiki's number.

At Semi's dorm~

I'm sitting on my bed watching TV and eating when my phone buzzes. I open the messages and it turns out that red haired crackhead created a group message with the teammates. He isn't at the dorm, so he's probably at Wakatoshi's dorm hanging out.

Baki-Baki- Hey guys! 👋

Shirabu has left the chat

Kawanishi has left the chat

Goshiki- Hey Tendou-Senpai!

Baki-Baki- Goshiki! My child! 😍

Semi- Why?

Reon added Shirabu to the chat

Reon added Kawanishi to the chat

Reon- He finds it funny.

Baki-Baki- Your names are all boring.

Baki-Baki changed everyone's names

Scarybu- ...scary?

Deadinside- Mine is spot on.


SemiSemi- Is there something wrong?

Scarybu- you think I'm scary Tendou? I can show you scary.

Irrelevant- At least yours isn't the word irrelevant. 😔

Baki-Baki- Sorry, Sorry I'll change the ones people don't like.

Baki-Baki changed Scarybu and other names

Shiraboob- So original Tendou..🙄

Baki-Baki- what do you mean?

Shiraboob- it's just not original.

Shiraboob changed Baki-Baki's name to Chicken Tendou

SemiSemi changed Shiraboob's name to Kenjirude

I'm still not over what he did earlier. He's so going to pay.

Chicken Tendou- Oh😮 That's new.

Kenjirude- Semi I know where your dorm is.

He does? Who told him? Probably Kawanishi.

SemiSemi- Uh-huh nice. Guys who do you have as roommates? Other than you Tendou I've been stuck with you for years.

Team Mom- Ushiwaka.

CHILD- Shibata-kun.

Hayah! - Jin

Dead inside- Kenjiro.

Oh of course they have the same dorm. It can't be too bad right?

Kenjirude- Yeah we have the same dorm but I'm not going to them until Friday since I have stuff to do this week.

Farmerboy- How so?

Kenjirude- Reasons. Don't ask.

Chicken Tendou- Well then we'll have a party on Saturday. In the dorms Toshi's dorm just for the fun of it and I'll bring the drinks and stuff.

SemiSemi- Sure I don't trust you though.

Chicken Tendou- YOU DON'T NEED TO!!

Team Mom- 👁️👄👁️ calm thyself.

CHILD- Yes my lord🙌

Hayah! - I'm already starting to like you Tsutomu.

Kenjirude- I'm not.

Dead inside- Just because someone hits you upside the head with a couple of books on accident doesn't mean you have to hate them.

Chicken Tendou- Pictures or it didn't happen. 😐

Dead inside- *Sends a video of Goshiki running towards the two and Goshiki's bag is open over Shirabu as he stops to talk all of the books fall on Kenjiro. *

Chicken Tendou- or a video. 🤗

I need to get some sleep in. Apparently sometime this week Tendou is going to take the Volleyball team to a party in Aoba Josai's gym for all of the teams. All teams, Alcohol, LGBTQ+ kids... We're in for a ride. I can't wait. I make sure the dorm room was unlocked for Tendou because everyone knows he forgets his room keys, I turn off the room light, lay down in my bed in my room and try to fall asleep. For some reason I can't fall asleep all I see is Kenjiro and his stupid grin when he kicked me. I guess I've been up for at least two hours because I hear Tendou slam the door open and close. I think he's on his phone because he seems like he's talking to someone really loudly. He's practically screaming to whoever he's talking to.

All I hear come from his mouth is 'I can't wait for tomorrow' and then I blackout.

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