2)A new start.

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Later in the Morning~

"Kenjiro! ~"

A voice awakens me. Disregarding the voice, I turn to my other side. It's a pretty stupid move as on this side of my room I am greeted with my window. It's not all too bright as the white curtains are closed but that ends quickly when my sister gives up on trying to verbally wake me up and resorts to opening the curtains. I hiss as the harsh glare of the sunshine appearing brightly on my face.

"Kamui let me sleep. It's only- "I speak but am rudely cut off.

"Monday. It's only Monday. Ken get your lazy self-up! I have make sure you're ready quick enough for you to leave for school. So I can go back to sleep Kenji!" My sister pouted.

As she says the sentence I realize today is the first day of school and I need to hurry and get ready. I quickly spring out of bed and push my sister out of the room so I could get dressed. I hear her giggle. It was probably because she finds it funny that I had forgotten all about it. I put on my school uniform; it fits nicely... well that's only because I had to alter it making it smaller. Even though I'd gotten the smallest size Extra, Extra, Extra Small I still had still had to change it making it smaller. The colors were nice, I really enjoy light colors, hell any color is nice for me and to be honest I could probably pull it off. After getting dressed I fix up my hair and head downstairs.

"Finally, you're ready now leave." My oldest brother comments.

I stick my tongue out at him and walk out of the house taking the piece of toast he had in his hand. I decide to take my time since I don't live too far from the school. As I'm approaching the school I begin to get nervous. My nerves tense up as I realize this new environment I would be in. I don't know anyone; I am starting new at this school in my second year not first so I might be picked on for being the newbie. I get close to the school and stop; I see the building right in front of me yet I can't bring myself to walk in. People rush past me chatting with their friends laughing about God knows what. It's like I'm in a trance of my own thoughts that is until I feel someone gently bump into me, yet it still knocks me out of my head. I quickly turn around in reaction seeing two people. Both look a little odd. One is tall and has red spikey hair and the other is also tall and has a bigger build he looks pretty serious which kind of terrifies me.

"Sorry didn't mean to bump into you shorty." The guy flashes me a smile.

"Tendou I suggest you not call people names. I'm sorry about him." The bigger guy adds apologizing for his friend's behavior.

All I can do is nod; I can't bring myself to speak. This is already hell and I still have to try out for the volleyball team. Well, I don't have to but it makes me feel sane. I can prove to people that I'm smart and hard working. People see my worth. I want to speak up and tell these two they don't have to apologize but I am interrupted by a new person.

"Hey Tendou!"

He is almost the same height as me just a slight bit taller. He has a spiked undercut hairstyle and a smile on his face. Next to him is another guy. This one has ash-blonde hair and dark tips. Immediately I'm mesmerized by him. His eyes are so harsh yet nice and pierce straight into my soul. I feel intimidated by his presence but not uncomfortable. He looks like he works out. I can't look away from this guy.

Who is he?


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