18) Ms. Tsukumo

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"You may be hella annoying but yeah. Why?" He looks up at me.

"Nothing I was just asking." Now that I think about it his eyes are dull and his voice is softer than usual.

"Hey. Do you want to go to get food tomorrow afternoon? I know a place near a park we can go to. Only if you want of course." Real smooth Eita. Real smooth. Why would he want to go eat with me?

"Sure. I don't mind." A smile creeps on my face as I finish patching up his wound. We head back and start our practice. Then school happens and we all Choose to ignore what happened yesterday with the fire. Most of the classes are boring and are just studying and learning. During lunch I grab my tray of food and head to the music room. In the room is just me, I can do what I want and feel how I want. I pick up a guitar and tune it real quick afterwards taking some food and shoving it in my mouth. I play a few notes and soon words start to flow in my head.

I'm alright if you're alright
I'm okay if you're okay
In this state, in this state I'm living in

I set up my phone and record this so I don't forget it. It's not much but at least it's a start. I finish my food and but the guitar back. As I walk out the music room I hear the bell ring, meaning it's the second years time to eat. I start to walk toward my next class and I hear a giggle that makes my heart stop. I turn around and see Kenjiro talking with Taichi and laughing about something. How come over all of these voices his is the one that stands out? I hurriedly pick up my pace and walk through the crowd. I turn my head for a split second and my eyes meet Kenjiro's, then he disappears into the cafeteria. I enter my class and an arm swings around my shoulders making me sigh.

"Hey SemiSemi! You disappeared again at lunch. Where'd you go? Did you go to the special spot?" He pokes at me and what not. He and Wakatoshi are the only ones who know about me going to the music room at most times.

"Yeah. Where's our teacher?."

"Bathroom she said she'd be back in a sec. According to other people who have had her today she's a hottie." Yamagata walks over to us also swinging his arm around my shoulders .

"Our new teacher is hot you say?" I look at him with confusion.

"Aren't you gay?"

"Bi actually but, Yeah it'd just be nice to have a hot teach." He smirks. The teacher walks in. Not going to lie, yeah she's pretty. She reminds me of someone.

"Everyone may you please take your seats." We all sit down next to our friends. "My name is Ms. Tsukumo. Yes I am your teacher for the rest of the year. Your other teacher retired claiming you all are horrible teens but I don't think you guys are bad. You all are unique. I will allow you to sit with your friends and will not make you move at all. If you want to move desks around you may. All I ask is for respect. A lot of you have very unique styles. Tell me mister?" She walks toward Tendou.

"Tendou Satori!" She smiles and pats him on the head.

"That's a nice name Tendou. Is that your natural hair color?" He nods fast and I snicker. "You all will be pleasant to work with this School year. I will not make you do any work today. It's Friday and let's just say Fridays are free days. It's your last year in high school and I want to make it fun for you." We all nod and she goes to he desk and sits down doing paper work. We all chatter and what not. I hear someone behind me talk about her and her looks being 'off the charts' along with her kindness. One person raises her hand.


"I heard that you have a kid who goes here is that true?" Aleen says. I remember her that's who I dated in my 1st year here.

"Ah yes I do. He's a second year here. All of my children have gone here but him. It's his first year here as a second year." Maybe it is who I'm thinking about. We talk with our friends and enjoy our time until we are released from the class heading to our final thing in this school: free period. Everyone has it everyday. Just at different times. 1st years had it 1st class 2nd years had it last class and now us 3rd years have it. The six of us decide to go to our spot, the balcony to sit down and hang out. Tendou goes behind Ushijima and give him a big hug while swaying.

"Do you guys have your clothes ready so we can leave?" We all answer with 'yes' and 'yeah'. Tendou nods and kisses Wakatoshi's cheek. As much as I hate to admit it, they're a cute couple.

"Okay so do any of you have a car though?" Reon sighs.

"What happened to yours?" My crazy red headed friend nervously chuckles.

"Well, it's not like I damaged it but my dad took my keys because my grades already suck. He took away my keys this morning." Ushijima looks up at Tendou who's still behind him.

"I don't think any of us have a car and could transport all of us but we know Shirabu sometimes gets here by limo we could ask if it's okay if we could get a ride." Tendou's face glows once again.

"You're so smart Ushi!!" After school and practice. We ask Kenjiro about the ride and he agrees. The entire time I can't stop thinking about his giggle from earlier. It was so adorable and like music to my ears. It's perfect.... I've been in a trance of my own thoughts so much I failed to realize until now. I think I like him...but I only like girls.


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