12)Drink up boys

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~A/n: we need some HAPPINESS back. Have a nice happy chapter of honest chaos (yes this a part of the story.)~

"Sleep well Kenjiro you deserve it no matter what."

~With Tendou~

No one's P.O.V.

The redhead along with Yamagata, Semi, Jin, Goshiki and Ushijima are in the dorm sitting room. Goshiki is hysterically laughing on the floor while Ushijima and Jin are sitting on the couch looking at their friends with such disappointment. Yamagata is running around the dorm and Semi and Tendou are gathering many things. A bag of marshmallows, Milk, straws and chocolate bars. Semi stands on the Empty T.V. stand (I'll mention why it's empty in the upcoming chapters🤭) and is holding a blow-dryer. He puts his hands on his hips and grabs a brush from the coffee table.

"Attention please." He says while putting the brush up to his mouth as if he's singing. No one pays attention to him. "I SAID ATTENTION PLEASE!" He raises his voice in a high pitch playful manner. He smacks his tongue to the roof of his mouth and looks to Yamagata who is next to the blasting speaker. "THAT MEANS TURN THE FRIGGIN MUSIC DOWN LIKE ALL THE WAY DOWN LIKE A TRILLION NOTCHES!" Yamagata pretends to shed a tear and turns the music down.
"PEOPLES I HAVE A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!" Goshiki looks up from the ground with tears still steaming down his cheeks.

"Is this man Gay and European?"(if you know you know.{^-^})" he points to Ushijima.

"No stfu." Semi throws the brush at his kouhai and then reaches back for it not leaving the T.V. stand and making grabby hands.

"Gimme, Gimme. Ahem. Today or tonight whatever you crackheads wanna call it we have our equal part lovely to hella annoying guess monster doing a big trick who wants to volunteer to help?" No one raises their hand. "Ah mister Yamagata and Goshiki Thank you for volunteering you may not leave or change your mind now." Semi grabs Tendou over and starts stuffing marshmallows in Tendou's mouth until there are no more in the pack. Then he moves on to the chocolate bars and afterwards he pours the milk. Tendou wiggles a little trying to get comfortable.

"STAHP MOVING!" semi yells once again. He plugs in the blow-dryer that is dirty with gummy residue and whoever knows what. Jin takes out a camera and Semi turns on the dryer while Tendou flexes. After a minute of that Tendou starts to flail his arms around signaling that the air is too hot and that chocolate has melted Eita turns the dryer off, hands Goshiki and Yamagata a straw and pats them on the back.

"Drink away boys, homemade hot chocolate. Enjoy!" Tsutomu and Hayato give each other a look and tap their straws together.

"Cheers." They put the straws in the newly made 'hot chocolate' and shut their eyes tight and start to take small sips. Jin gags and starts laughing. Eita shushes Jin and Reon walks in the dorm.

"You look like the Kool-Aid man on crack. And you two look like baby birds drinking whatever their mom has." All of the boys start to chuckle causing the two with the straws at start to make bubbles and Tendou to laugh. He tries to hold it in but ends up spewing 'hot chocolate' out of his nose and mouth. The boys end up barely gaining their composure back and Ushijima hands Tendou a towel to wipe off marshmallows, spit, snot and hot chocolate from the many places it went while he's still laughing.

"Let- ha-ha! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Let me explain what was funny about that!" The redhead frantically says. Reon throws another towel to Tendou.

"Wow. I love how you're like I- 'Hey I laughed at you're joke but let me tell you why. Ha-ha." Reon chuckles.

"I can't breathe! I laughed because you said it In such a monotone voice."

"I'm so glad I got this on camera. I'm going to show this to the team tomorrow, show them all of your stupidity." Jin chimes.

"Yep 100% pure me!"

"More like 100% pure meth. Like what do you have to be on to loose at least 20 brain cells on a daily?" this time Yamagata adds to the conversation directing things back to the Ash blonde.

"You're one to talk."

"What dumb things have I done?"

Everyone glances at each other. As much as it didn't seem like it Semi was actually kind of dumb.

"Skateboarding on a ramp of toilets." Yamagata.

"Overflowing a new toilet with water then trying to dive head first into it for a swim." Tendou.

"Stacking a bunch of toilets and trying to climb them." Reon.

"Many other toilet related things." Jin.

"Okay I get it! Goshiki what about you?"

The 3rd year setter huffs. Goshiki chuckles nervously then pulls out his phone and pretends to look at the time but manages get a glace at the actual time.

"He-He would you look at the time. HOLY COW LOOK AT THE TIME!! It's 1:30 and we have practice at 6:00! I'm going to head back to my dorm now guys. Night." He runs out. Tendou stands at the door proudly and watches his kouhai run and stumble back to his dorm.

"Goodnight or Should I say 'Good morning America!'" Semi hits him on the head then pulls his arm leading them both back to their own dorm.

"We live in Japan."

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that."

~There ya go a nice wholesome chapter from a very wholesome Author-Chan! \(^-^)/ The next won't be the same sowwy -this isn't a wholesome story all the way through-(✓°^°✓) Don't hate me pwease!!!~

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