6)The 'Official' Setter?

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All I hear come from his mouth is 'I can't wait for tomorrow' and then I blackout.

The next day, During practice~

No one's P.O.V.

The Coach gather's his team for a 'Word' he's obviously in a bad mood. Not like he ever is in a good mood.

"Listen up. There will be changes to the team. First, anytime you mess up I will punish you up to my standards. Second, Goshiki you want to be the Ace right?"

"Yes sir." The bowl cut haired boy replies.

"Then act like it. Work to be like Ushijima and learn to make as little mistakes as possible. Third Semi and Shirabu."

The two setters look up.

"Shirabu you will be replacing Semi as our official setter. You've shown a better excellence. Though if anything happens putting you out of the game, then Semi will take your place."

This took everyone by surprise Semi had been one of the best setters since junior high. Semi doesn't show any sadness though he actually seems pretty relieved. The second year doesn't seem to like it though.

"Sir I don't think I should be the official setter. I'm not that good and-" The boy is cut off by the harsh glare of their demon coach.

"Sorry sir." He apologizes.

"If I say you will be the official setter then you will."

Shortly after, the Coach tells the team to practice. Semi approaches the setter.

Semi's P.O.V.

I'm glad I don't have to be the official setter anymore but Kenjiro doesn't seem like he wants to be the official setter either. I know Coach doesn't like people talking back but that glare looked like pure hatred. I go to Kenjiro to try and reassure him.

"Hey Kenjiro."

"What?" The new setter says with a tint of annoyance.

"Are you okay?" I try to ask in a calm voice.

"Yeah. I'm just trying to get my sets right." He catches the ball that he'd set up before continuing. "Can't exactly do that with being distracted by constant nagging."

Why was he acting like this? He pretty much just called me a distraction. He's obviously upset but he was acting completely different from earlier. I try to hold back my anger but it is showing.

"What's your problem?! It's not my fault Coach got mad at you. Dumbass."

No one's P.O.V.

The pale boy turns to Semi and throws the Volleyball at his head. Because of the speed of the ball and how close Kenjiro is to him he can't duck quick enough to not get hit. The blow is powerful and knocks Semi off his feet causing him to stumble back and hit the floor with a loud boom. Out of spite and revenge Semi swipes his foot on the ground where Shirabu is causing him to fall down as well. The rest of the team hears the impact of the 3rd and 2nd year setters hitting the ground and shifts their attention to the two. Eventually the setters start to bicker to where Ushijima has to step in and silence them by just standing over them.

"Are you two done Fighting?" Tendou snickers.

"Yes, I don't think you should argue especially if you two are on the same." The older chimes in.

"Sorry Ushijima-Senpai." The golden eyed boy whispers with a hint of sass.

"Sorry Ushijima." Semi adds in. The two boys get up and start practice with the others. By the end of the practice the copperhead setter and ginger haired middle blocker are lying on the floor.

Taichi's P.O.V

God practice was awful. Well, I just don't get out or exercise much so it might just be me. After running our laps at the end of practice I plop myself on the floor next to Kenjiro. I guess he doesn't get out much either.

"Is practice always like this? Ushijima-San and the Coach teaming up against us is brutal." He huffed trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah. They want to shape us to be the best in the prefecture. IT'S HELL!" I say smacking my head down on the floor giving me more of a headache than I already had. Kenjiro turns from lying on his back to lying on his side looking at me. Seeing his movements, I do the same.

"I can stop by the dorms today to drop some of my stuff off and maybe stay a while but then I'll have to leave again." My friend says looking in my eyes, probably scanning to see how I'd react.

"Cool need help with anything?" I play it cool not letting him know that he's freaking me out. He's kind of cute.

~(✓°-°✓) wot is this chapter?... Hope you enjoyed this one even though it didn't make much sense.~

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