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I don’t think it will be a wreck. At least that’s what my gut feels.
Okay so my gut is a filthy liar!

Today is awful it started off awful and everything is awful. My alarm didn’t go off, my toothbrush fell in the toilet, there was no hot water for my shower, I didn’t get to eat breakfast, missed morning practice, and I stepped in gum on the way to class. I groan as I rest my head on the desk. Today is the first Friday of December which means at the end of 1st period 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years will have a free day and this happens every Friday until break. With my luck how do I know that the second I step out of the school I won’t get hit with lightning or some crap like that? I stare at the clock until class is done then lazily drag myself out of the room and head with Kenjiro to the balcony where we find the rest of our team.

“Taichi are you okay? You look… Tired.” Ushijima points out directing some attention to me.

“Good observation. My day sucks.” I sigh and sit on the ground. “Do we have to do this practice match with Aoba Johsai?” Yamagata laughs and puts his hand on my back making me blush a tad.

“It won’t be that bad.” I look into his eyes.

“That’s what I said to myself about today last night. You want a recap on how that backfired?” He smiles at me.

“Well, you gotta mean it and feel the good vibes! Plus, of you are hating everything wouldn’t I be lying if I told people my favorite kouhai is a loving person?” Holy shit. He earns a small smile from me in return for the sentence. We wind up all eating lunch out here and doing stupid stuff until school ends leading us to after school practice. We step outside and do our handshake stuff. Oh yeah, I have to shake hands with Kyotani from their team who almost rips my hand off. We end up winning a series of 20 matches and Aoba Johsai 12 (with an audience watching) afterwards we vote for Shirabu to pick up the balls since he hit Oikawa with a whole bunch. He sourly takes the balls to the room and only a minute later we hear his yelling coming from the room.

“Do you guys hear that?” Jin asks turning to us. We nod and reply while trying to listen to what’s happening or if it’s just an outside noise until we hear a Semi’s voice and we instantly know it’s not an outside noise. Ushijima is the first to head up the stairs with the rest of us following behind. He opens the door, and we see none other than Kenjiro glaring at Semi with a crimson red face and Semi smirking. My best friend lifts one of the balls up and hits him continuously in the head. Oikawa smiles, takes a picture then heads back down with his team and most of us except Ushijima, Tendou, Reon and I.
Tendou lets out and annoying laugh and the fighting two glances at him, Shirabu instantly getting off of his senpai.

No one's P.O.V

“You two were quite close~” The giddy red-head teases. “What happened?”
Shirabu rolls his eyes and walks out of the room, Semi following quickly after him.

“Kenjiro I’m sorry!”

“No, you’re not Stupid Semi!”

As the smaller setter reaches the end of the stairs he gets tackled and tiny arms wrap around his leg. He looks down to see a little girl with dark grey hair, ash- blonde tips that’s flowing loosely around her reaching her lower back, she’s wearing a long sleeve black romper that has black bell bottoms with a pastel pink cardigan over top and pink sneakers. The petite girl has a huge smile plastered on her face and her dark brown eyes shut tightly adding to her adorable smile.

“Bu-San!” The setter glances down to the girl letting a small smile creep on his face along with lots of confusion.

“Um...Hey? Who are you?” His voice laced in peacefulness at the change of company.

“I’m Eitsuya Semi! Eita shows me lots of pictures of you and talks about you a lot! You’re really pretty.”

“Oh?” The copperhead’s face glows more tinted with red at the complement -since he doesn’t get many- and picks the girl who was still clinging to him up, making sure she’s comfortable.

Once in the boy's arms she nuzzles her face in his neck and lets out a happy hum. Semi walks down the stairs noticing his kouhai holding a familiar little girl.

“Eitsuya?” Without looking up, the girl scrunches her face knowing who it is by the voice.

“Poopy Eita.”  A tick mark appears on Eita’s forehead as he hears the attitude he crosses his arms and pouts. “...Fine. Hi Nii-San..” She says unenthusiastically sticking out her tongue getting a small chuckle from Kenjiro. The older setter walks over to the two and pinches Eitsuya’s cheek making her whine and hit him on his head quite hard for such a small figure.

“Look they’re a happy family!” Tendou chuckles loud enough to get a groan of disapproval from Kenjiro who gets a smirk from Semi.

It’s now nighttime and Kenjiro is in his room waiting for his roommate. He’d just spent his entire rest of the day with Eita’s little sister -it included playing in dirt after getting ice cream- causing him m to take a nice warm bath head empty of anything in general. It was nice and calm until…


The door almost came off the hinges and standing in it was Mr. I don’t-give-a-damn Kawanishi except he looked a little taken back and more like he gave many damns.

Taichi’s POV-





What the absolute hell happened?!


I continue cleaning up the gym, minding my business until I see that sun of a gun third year -who is way too dedicated to his underclassmen- Dancing next to Goshiki while screaming something about a popsicle.

“My hands are high my feet are low and this is how I popsicle” Yamagata yells doing some weird dance.

“Pop-see-ko, Pop-Pop-See-ko.” Goshiki continues doing the same thing as his Senpai.

This goes on for a hot minute until Goshiki heads to his dorm leaving just me and Yamagata left in the gym. He looks up and notices me on my phone without a care on the world. Before I know it he jumps right in front of me bending to where our faces are inches apart. I try and hold a blush back though it’s not successful. I look up and as I do he plants a kiss on my cheek causing me to sputter.

What the everliving Hell? I don’t mind but he didn’t need to catch me off guard like that!

“Sorry.” He smiles such a sweet genuine smile making me slightly return the gesture. Before I know it he leans in and kisses my lips gently.


So I stand at the door looking at the ground not knowing what to say.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re… red.” My salty friend asks.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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