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*Colby's POV*

"Either she moves out or I do!" I yelled, my chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Colby, you're being ridiculous!" Sam argued and I just stared at him.

"You don't agree with me!?" I yelled, feeling frustrated.

"Colby, she hasn't done anything wrong!"

Before I could reply, I heard quick pitter patter footsteps hitting the tiled stairs.

My eyes widened as I watched Leighton quickly turn the corner, bag and car keys in hand. The door slammed shut and Sam narrowed his eyes at me before running after her.


I quickly followed after them, feeling torn between how I felt and protecting someone else's feelings.

"Leighton please don't leave" Sam was begging outside her car door when I made it out to the porch.

"No! Clearly, he doesn't want me here. I'll send my brother to come get my stuff while I'm at work" I heard her say and then she drove away, and Sam quickly turned towards me.

"YOU!" He yelled, pointing his finger at me.

"What?! I didn't do anything!" 

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? YOU'VE BEEN RUDE TO HER SINCE WE MET HER! IT'S NOT HER FAULT YOUR GIRLFRIEND THINKS YOU'RE CHEATING ON HER WITH LEIGHTON! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Sam yelled and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "You knew I wanted this one to work out! She's gotten really close with Kat, and I love seeing Katrina happy. I can't believe you! You're being so fucking selfish Colby! You can't just run her off because your love life is a mess!" Sam shouted, his arms flared out towards his sides.

"You act like Kat won't hang out with her still" I grumbled, annoyed that he's been ignoring my feelings about her moving in since the start.


"YOU WON'T LISTEN TO ME! You haven't listened to me from the start! We never agreed on her moving in, you just basically handed her over the keys!" I shouted back, breathing heavily.

"NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH HER! Tell me Colby, what has she done?! SHE PAYS US RENT, SHE BUYS FOOD, WHICH YOU ALSO EAT BY THE WAY! SHE'S NEVER HOME, SHE PICKS UP AFTER HERSELF! SHE'S EVERYTHING YOU WANTED IN A ROOMMATE WHEN I ASKED! So, tell me, what did she ever do to you! Why are you being a dick? It isn't her fault your girlfriend has trust issues! You haven't even been together that long and honestly, you've been a douche since you met her! It's your friends or that bitch who is changing you. You pick. I'm tired of you running people away because you feel threatened! It's not my fucking fault the fans don't like when you're with people, but I'm sorry to break it to you Colby, Sadie's a walking trash can and if you can't see it then I don't know if we can still be friends. I'm tired of you treating us like crap this past week. We get it, your relationship isn't going how you thought it would, but that doesn't mean you get to be a dick because you're frustrated over someone who really doesn't matter! How the fuck am I supposed to get her back! I don't even know where she went!" Sam shoved past me and walked back into the house.

"Why do you care so much!?" I yelled back, stopping Sam from walking away.

"Because she seems like a good person, Colby. She seems like someone I want to get to know. Someone Kat and I want to hang out with and befriend. Hell, I would bet she'd end up as one of Katrina's bridesmaids with how highly she talks about Leighton. I'm tired of you scaring people off." Sam explained but it was written all over his face that he knew something, and that was pissing me off even more. 

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