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*Colby's POV*

Why didn't she tell me?

She had every opportunity to tell me!

All those times I thought she was sketchy, and when I even asked her about it! SHE COULD'VE TOLD ME! SHE HAD SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO TELL ME! 

"COLBY STOP!" Sam yelled, grabbing the back of my arm.

I shook my head and quickly walked out of the hotel, not wanting to make a big scene.

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel hurt and betrayed. Did I even have the right to feel this way? She didn't owe me anything, so why did I feel like she lied straight to my face for years?

I couldn't let go of all the times she could've told me. She had countless opportunities to tell me!

I wouldn't have been mad if she told me. I just feel mad that everyone else knew before me and even that felt wrong. I had no right to be upset about this... so why was I?

I know everyone else knew, and I felt my head start to hurt at all these realizations. The whispers, the hospital trips, the mood swings...

Was I that stupid?

Why would my first thought be that she was pregnant? Why would I look at her and think "Yeah she's pregnant, that's why she's crying or yelling or never home"?

I felt conflicted. I thought we were moving past our old ways, and now this?

"COLBY! PLEASE LET ME EXPAIN!" Leighton cried, catching up to me.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" I yelled, and I saw people looking at me, making me roll my eyes and walk out towards the sand next to the ocean, taking a seat and resting my arms on my knees as I looked out.

"Please let me explain. I'm so sorry" She cried, standing next to me.

"You don't owe me anything" I grumbled, feeling sorry for myself. I felt ridiculous being so hurt that everyone else knew, but it wasn't my life or my choice, and I knew the smart thing to do would be to move on, but how was I supposed to?

"Please Colby, I never meant to hurt you!" She cried and I tried to tune her out, not wanting to focus on the situation in front of me, my head piecing together slowly, everything that happened over the past few months. 

"I don't want to talk to you right now" I muttered, trying to wrap my head around what just happened.

"I completely understand. You're allowed to have hurt feelings, but will you at least tell me when you want to talk?" She asked and I groaned, knowing I needed to get this over with.

"Fine. Explain" I grumbled, moving so I could see her.

"This is going to sound really bad, but I had no intentions of you finding out" She said and I scoffed, looking back out towards the ocean. "Colby please!" She whined and I looked back at her, my eyes focusing on the bump, still trying to wrap my head around it.

She was pregnant.

She has a baby inside of her.

This whole time, she's had another life inside of her.

I honestly had no idea how to feel, how to think, hell how to process this.

I felt like I was hit with a truck, and now I was laying here lifeless.

I hated being lied to. Being played. Being deceived.

I thought she was different... but I guess every girl is the same. They use you, get what they want, and leave.

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