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I wake up to my 'father' clomping down the wooden stairs of the basement.

"Blake! You little shit, wake up!" His deep voice bounced off the walls. He walks towards me.

Steven unlocks on of the cuffs so I can feed myself. My wrists are bruised and bloody beyond belief. I can see they are infected and need treatment, but I know I won't get the medical attention I need for them to heal.

"Here's your food." He throws me a slice of bread that that is hard as a rock, accompanied by no water, yummy!

The bread seems to have a spot of mold growing, but I'm on no position to refused any morsel of food. If I want to live, that is.

I'm still debating.

"Thank you, father." I whisper. I hate calling him that, but he doesn't accept me calling him Steven out loud.

"Shut up and eat." He orders, and turns his back to me.

I just nod even though I am positive he made his way back upstairs, ignoring me.

I devour the bread, mouth even dryer than before.

Then, all of a sudden, I hear the door upstairs being broken down.

"Police!" I hear multiple voices yell at different time.

"Steven and Kayla Bradley, you are under arrest for illegal drug dealing..." I tune out the rest, when I start screaming.

"Help! Help me please!" I hear foot steps coming down the stairs. "Help!"

"I found a child, sir. I repeat I have found a child." The man in uniform said to his little mic. "Sweetie, it's okay I am here to help." I nod, sobbing, happy that I am free.

Finally I am free. I'm not alone.

"I will not trust anybody again." I silently promise myself.

I hug my savior as he carries my weak body up the stairs and through the door I thought I would never walk through again. Alive, that is. The lights blind me and my eyes can't seem a adjust. So I just close them, entirely.

I hear the officer ask me questions, but I can't force myself to answer them.

So instead, I let myself float into oblivion. Oblivion is a lot better than reality.

Scars Don't Fade (1D Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now