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Happiest early 16th birthday to one of my bestest friends I could ever ask for, Hannah. hannahbannanabelle. I love you! You always make me laugh, even at the more serious moments. I love every memory we have together and I cannot wait to make more. The good, the Bad and the Ugly will always be great with a friend like you! ❤💙

Louis' POV

I don't know what happened. One minute, Blake's crying and refusing to got out of the car and the next she's barreling out of the car, and takes off running.

Blake's POV

I'm running, obviously. But for some unknown and unwelcomed reason, I can't bring myself to actually run away.

I'm running into the foreign house. I also obviously have no idea where I'm going. I'm just making myself lost in the maze of hallways. The boys have the advantage, they probably know the houses layout.

As I'm making ramdom turns and changing direction, I notice a bathroom. Perfect. I run into the bathroom and slowly close and lock the door so I don't give away my location.

As I hear the satisfying click of the lock being placed, I look around the unnecessarily massive bathroom and drag myself to the furthest corner of the room. At first, I just sit there, the mean thing the girls said running in replay through my mind.

How have the boys not found me, yet? They must not be actually looking. Yeah, that's why.

I continue to sit here and cry.

They don't care! Nobody cares! Not even my birth parents! Nobody cares about me!

I unconsciously walk towards the sink and vanity. I not so gently open the drawers and rummage through them. My desperation growing by the passing second as I dig.

They're a bunch of dudes! They have to have at least one fucking razor! C'mon!

As I dig, I dream of the relief I will soon have. I dream of the peace. The demons can once again be silent. Even though it won't last long. My haven will disappear within an instant and abandon me here in my hell once again. No matter how many scars I make, it doesn't take me with it or stay longer. Against my pleas and begs.

I move onto the next drawer, and my prayers are answered. Laying right in front of me is my therapist. My unlicense councilor. They only thing in my life that doesn't let me down with false promises, it does what is promised. They are the only this constant in my life.

I back down in my corner and rip open the package and break the edges off.

Why am I doing this to myself again?

Because, you deserve it. Remember what those girls said to you? About you? They know! Do it. You'll feel better. Go ahead.

Once again the demons convince me.

I lower the blade to my wrist and press it into my skin.

Before I can glide it against my wrist, there is a pounding at the door.

"Blake! Blake, honey, we now you're in there. Please let us in, don't do anything, please. Baby, we are here, we are here for you! Please, please don't hurt yourself. You're beautiful, sweetheart. So so beautiful." I hear Louis try to comfort me through the door.

I sob loudly and the boys hear.

"Baby, don't cry. It's okay, let us in princess so we can help you. Please, honey." I don't move, nor answer.

I block out the pleas of the boys and focus on the demons voice in my head. Encouraging me to continue what I came in here to do.

One cut can't hurt. They'll never know.

Again, I bring the blade to my wrist and make a quick and deeper than normal slice. I let out a screech and yelp at the pain and amount of blood.

Oh no, it wasn't supposed to be this deep!

"Blake! Blake! Talk to me, princess. Tell me your okay! Please!" I hear fright in Louis' voice. Fright that they could stop me.

"Louis, help!" I cry out from the searing pain in my arm. This was too deep. So much blood.

"I'm coming, honey. Just hang in there. I'm here. I'm always here for you, Beautiful. Liam where is the fucking key?!"

I hear the nob giggle then all the boys rush into the bathroom and run to me. Louis and Harry are the first one's to reach me and grab my arm and apply pressure at my elbow.

No words are spoken, but I can see tears in their eyes.

Louis picks me up and carries me over to the sink, Harry making sure to keep the pressure.

He sets me down, still not saying anything. Before I can stop myself, I start crying harder then the few tears that escaped when they first walked in.

A sob escapes my lips, but I can't tell if it's from the sting that the alcohol swap gives when Louis started cleaning my cuts.

Louis hears the sobs and quickly hands Zayn the swab and pulls me into a right hug.

I hug him back, squeezing his shirt in my fists, needing his hug more than I would like to admit. I feel a wetness pooling on the part of my shirt what Louis rested his head on. He's crying.

Why is he crying? Because I hurt myself? Why would he cry over me?

More tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry!" I sob. I don't want to make the boys cry. Even though I didn't think it was possible, I started cry harder. Actual cries escaped my mouth.

"Shh, honey. Shh." Louis tries to comfort me, even though he's cryinh himself.

I peak over Louis shoulder at the rest of the boys and the sight breaks my ice cold, isolated heart.

They are all crying. Harry, Zayn, Liam, and especially Niall. I think he's crying harder than me.

Why are the all crying over me?

I tuck my head back into the crook of Louis' neck.

"Why did you do this?" I hear Louis' broken voice croak.

"I was upset." I reply, shame and sadness taking over my voice.

He takes a minute before answering. "Please, don't do this again. You are so beautiful. You don't need to hurt yourself. Please, tell me you see your worth? You so beautiful, and sweet. You can be sassy and rude. But we love you regardless. We would love you if you were filthy and homeless. We would love you if you were squeaking clean and lived in a mansion. There is nothing you could do to make us stop loving you." Louis tells me. And for once, I believe him.

I don't know why, and I can't explain it, but I hear the love in his voice. Love that I've never heard someone speak to me with.

"I love you, Blake." I hear Harry tell me. I pull away from Louis, right as Harry finishes wrapping my wrist. I didn't even notice him cleaning my wrist this entire time.

I give him a hug.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"It will be okay if you promise to never do this again." I replies.

I don't answer for a second since I'm lost for an answer.

Can I really promise Harry that?

"I'll try," I tell him.

After I pull away from Harry and move to each boy. Giving them all hugs and apologizing for what I've done to myself.

I didn't lie to Harry. I will try.

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