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I've been on the streets for two days selling some of the items I brought at small pawn shops. In total I have $82.

I'm walking on the sidewalk and I see a small rundown motel. I really want a bed for tonight. I slept on a box last night, I don't think I can do it again.

I walk in the door and I see a young girl standing at the counter. As I approach she doesn't seem to see me.

"Hullo!" I drag out, annoyed that I have to speak to get attention. She looks up confused and looks around.
"C'mon lady! I'm not that short!" I yell and she immediately looks down.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, honey." She apologies with a different accent, more like a Italian accent. "What can I help you with?"

"I want a room." I state.

"Excuse me? You want a room? How old are you? Where are you parents?"

"Yes I want a room. My age shouldn't matter to you. And about my parents, also shouldn't matter to you. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I want a room. I have money so give me a room."

"O-okay, room 23, down that hall and on the left side." She shakily point down the hall to my right. "That will be $20 dollars."

I hand her the money, take the key and walk to the hall. The doors I past all look the same. Then finally room 23 is in front of me.


It's been two days and to say we're freaking out would be an understatement. I've never seen the boys more stressed out then in these past couple days. We haven't been her guardian for a day and we have already lost our kid.

Niall looks absolutely crushed and has teat stains on his face.

Zayn looks confused, like why would she run away? We don't look that scary do we?

Liam kinda looks angry, I can't blame Blake though, from what we've seen and been told, she doesn't have that much trust in adults.

Louis hasn't been home since she ran away. He's been out on the road calling her name, every day and night. He looks like he can fall apart any moment now.

And me? I don't know what I'm feeling. A little confused, worried, anxious, angry.

All I want to know is, Where is our little girl?

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