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The boys have given me a tour of the house, and I can't even describe it.
It really represents all of the boys equally. From what I can tell, anyways, by their personalities.

We are heading up over to my room, to be honest, I'm a little excited, even though I still won't let them touch me, and I haven't said anything, I'm still a kid.

We reach the door at the end of the hallway, it has the words 'Welcome Home!' In purple 3D letters.

"We didn't know your name, we only knew we were getting a girl. I hope you don't mind." Niall says sheepishly, with pink tints to his cheeks.

I just nodded and shrugged, I didn't matter to me. This isn't my home. It's just temporary, I hope. They'll realize I'm not the one for them and bring me back.

"Well, I guess we will leave you too it. We'll be downstairs if you need anything," Louis walks over to the wall and presses a button that says LR. "Press one of these buttons, that fits what you need, and talk into it. Depending on the button you need it will go either to the mine and/or the boy's room." He rambles.

I nod and go to sit on the bed, looking around. I see the boys smiling at the corner of my eyes. Then they slowly shuffle out.

Once I'm sure they have left, I look around, for a bag or something to hold stuff in. Hey, if I'm running away, I need money. I'm not living on the streets any longer than I have to.

I finally find a suitcase and start packing the valuables, and my blanket. Along with some clothes, soap, a brush, and two pairs of shoes.

Once everything is packed up and ready to go, I walking over to the window. Opening the window I couldn't believe my luck. There was a latter on the side of the house, with flowers growing up the side.

I take one last look, give a sad smile and climb down.

I'm not made for this type of life.

*Credits to spooky_lukey*

*389 Words*

Scars Don't Fade (1D Adoption)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt