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"We're losing her!"

"Nurse, hand me the cables!" Dr. Hoyle orders, urgency evident in his voice. I had him the electric cables to my left over Blake's, unresponsive body.

He quickly gets to work, charging them. As they charge up, he rubs them together and yells, "Clear!" As Dr. Hoyle presses them to her body, her torso launches forward to the pads.

"Again!" He repeats and so does her body. No change.

C'mon honey, pull through. You got this. Hang in there.

"Again!" No change.

"One more time!"


Another hour has passed.

Four and a half hours and no news. Is this normal? Is she doing okay? God, I'm tired. Hospital chairs are not comfy. We all take turns on the pull out one person chair bed. Even that is uncomfortable.

"Ms Bradley's guardians?" A young brunette lady asks.

"That's us!" We all rush over to her.

"Oh, well then. Follow me, please. Dr. Hoyle wants to talk with you about Ms Bradley's current state of health." She informs as she easy me down the an unfamiliar hall.

"Is she okay? When can we see her?!" I question.

"Mr-" She pauses.


"Mr Tomlinson, please. Dr Hoyle will explain everything. I do not have that kind of information." I can tell she's getting flustered, but trying to remain professional.

The lads an I chose to stay silent, as brunette crabby leads us down the hall.

Finally, she stops at a door with a plaque on it that reads "Doctor Hoyle" in bold letters.

"Go on in, he's waiting."

Liam knocks on the door and we hear the deep familiar voice saying come in.

"Gentlemen, sorry I don't have enough chairs, but please, some, sit." He gestures three of us to sit in the chairs in front of the desk.

Zayn, Liam and I sit in the chairs while Harry and Niall stand behind us.

"Why can't we see Blake?" Liam says wasting no time, jumping right into it.

"Blake's heart failed in surgery."

"What?! What happened?! Is she okay!" We are all in shock. This was supposed to be a minor surgery!

"It was a minor surgery, Mr Tomlinson. It seems that Ms Bradley has a undiagnosed heart disease. It treatable, and with treatment, she should be fine."

"Where is she now?" Harry asks this time.

"She's in ICU, under 24 hour surveillance."

"Oh god, this poor girl. What else has or will happen with her?" Zayn mumbles to himself.

"When can we see her, doc?" Liam asks.

"Now, if you want. You can't stay, since it's ICU, you'll have to go home tonight or stay in the waiting area. But you can visit her for a minute." He tells us.

"Yes, yes. Thank you!"

"Follow me."


The doc has shown us to her room and we are about to walk in.

"She's sleeping and shouldn't wake up until tomorrow. Please be quiet. There is a slight possibility she might wake up." He informs.

"Of course. Thank you."

As he walks away, we walk into the small room.

Blake is back in the hospital bed, but this time there are more wires than I thought possible. Even more machines. We can't get more than three feet close to her except for the foot.


Words can't describe how much this hurts. To see someone, a child, you care about, even if it only been a short amount of time. In the hospital? Having all these problems, physically and mentally? It's heartbreaking.

We all stand there in silence for about 15 more minutes then a nurse comes in to tell us we have to leave.

We've said our goodnight's to Blake and rubbed her leg, since that's all we could reach and left.

As we approach the exit/entrance we have agreed that Louis is staying and the rest are going home.

Hey guys. That was fast, so here's a extra long, extra heart felt chapter. I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to visit 'Family' notice the marks. And if the goal is reached I'll update when I get back! Leave what you thought in the comments and hope you liked it! ❤❤❤

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