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Who's trying to go see ZAYN on TOUR? 


"Hello, I'm sorry to intrude, but I think you adopted my little sister, Blake? I'm her older brother, Anton," the man at the door says.

Harry doesn't say anything to Anton at first, none of the boys. I look up to Zayn who is holding my hand, which I do not remember happening, and poke him in his side. Hard. 

"What is going on?!" I question him as he looks down at me. His eyes flash with confusion and worry.

I don't think Anton noticed me before I spoke, so he turns his head and spots me behind Zayn's legs. 

Anton mumbles a quick "Excuse me," to Harry and slides past him, into the house. 

Anton quickly walks, almost jogs over to me and picks me up, into his arms. Making Zayn let go of my hand. He pushes my head into his broad, muscular shoulder and spins around so he is facing Harry, and I am facing Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam. 

Over Anton's shoulder, I give Zayn and Louis a worried look. Pleading with my eyes for one of them to get me out of this stranger's arms. Anxiety starts to fill me, Anton's hand in my hair and rubbing my back is surging anxiety through my veins.

Louis catches the message and grabs Anton by the shoulder, making him turn around. Louis grabs me by the hips and takes me out of Anton's arms. 

"Hey, man, that's my sister." Anton tries to grab me back, but Louis moves out of his reach, passing me to Zayn. 

"Hey, "man" that's our daughter," is Louis response.

"I'm actually related to her," He glares at Louis. 

Louis just shrugs, "that may be, but where have you been these last seven months?"

"Trying to find her! I've been trying to find her since Dad died and Mom was arrested! Her files were sealed and I've been waiting to get authorized to unseal them!"

I quit listening to him ramble the words, "since dad died" are on a loop in my head. I don't know how to feel. 

On one hand, I want to jump for joy, praise the heavens for this. This man abused and raped me my whole life. This is what he deserves, right? 

But on the other side, he was still my dad. I do not love him, by any means, but he is half the reason I'm on this godforsaken planet. I have serious mixed emotions. 

"Dad is dead?" I question with a weak voice. Anton looks at me in Zayn's arms, tearing is glare from Louis.

He nods solemnly, with a little confusion swimming in his light blue eyes.  "I thought you knew. Dad died the day they took you away. He charged at an officer with a lamp and they shot him." I flinch at his words. 

I think back to that day and remember hearing a faint "BANG" coming from inside the house as officer Stackhouse drove off with me in the ambulance. 

Niall walks over to me with sad eyes and asks "Are you okay, Blake?" 

I look at him and shrug because I honestly do not know. 

Harry seems to snap out of his shock and walks over, after closing the door. "Let's go sit in the Living room and talk. We all make our way to the couch and find a place to sit. Zayn sets me into his lap next to him and Louis with Harry on the other side. Niall makes himself comfy on the floor while Liam stands. 

Anton sits in the recliner on the other side of the table, turning it to face us.

Anton takes a big breath and lets out a sigh, "Look," he starts, "I know we didn't get off to a great start, but I am here for a good reason." 

"Why are you here? We weren't even informed she has a brother." Liam asks him, with his muscular arms crossed against his wide chest. 

"You were not informed because I have a different last name and haven't lived with my parents in over 2 years, I'm twenty and moved out when I was 17," Anton said

"Why?" I find myself asking.

"Because I hated our parents' lifestyles and couldn't live with it anymore. I went to live with our Aunt Melissa. She died last year."

Another family member I didn't know about.  

"And as for why I am here, I am here because I wanted to know my little sister," he tells me, looking into my eyes.

Unable to keep my mouth shut, I blurt out, "Why?! Why now?! Why not when I was five, or eight, or ten?! Why did you let me suffer all of my life? You're supposedly my big brother, why didn't you save me?! What did I do to you or them to deserve that life?! Huh, Anton, huh?"

"Blake, I didn't know you were even alive," he mashes his lips together then continues, "when mom was pregnant with you, she got really sick. She had to stay in the hospital because she was going through such bad withdrawal symptoms and couldn't get out of bed for weeks. I had to stay with Aunt Melissa for a while and when I came back, she wasn't pregnant anymore." He trails off, "I didn't understand then, but as I got older, I just figured she miscarried. I wasn't allowed to ask questions, so I just forgot."  

"What about when I was older?! Surely you heard me scream from the basement?" 

"I was really never home, Mom made me do sports all year. Baseball in the Spring, Swim in the summer, Football in the fall, and Basketball in the winter. Then after high school, I went to University out by Aunt Melissa. But, I dropped out after Mom was arrested and I was told about you. I had to find you." Anton explains. His voice holds urgency like it's dire that I believe him. 


"I don't know," Is all I say.

"What do you expect to happen after this visit?" Louis asks a question before I can say anything else. 

"I'm not trying to take her away if that's what you're asking. She obviously trusts you, and I don't want to put her through any more heartache." He replies. "How about I leave and give you my number and we can make a date to go out?" Anton asks. 

Liam nods, "Yeah, yeah, I think that's a good idea."

Louis stares at him, gobsmacked. "But, Liam-"

"Enough Louis, it's a good idea." Liam gives him and the rest of the boys a knowing look, and that's enough to keep them quiet. Anton just looks excited, but a little confused.

Anton gives Liam his phone number and vice versa. He turns to leave but stops and looks at me. Before I can really say anything Anton walks up and gives me a quick, tight hug. And with that, he's gone.

Liam sighs and Louis starts talking.

"Liam! What are we supposed to do? You heard Simon, there is no changing we have to-" I cut him off.

"You have to what?" I say. Louis turns white.

"W-well, Blake, um... You see..." Louis starts. But Harry buts in after a moment of silence.

" Blake, management told us that we have to go on Tour. There is no getting out of it. We leave in a week." Harry tells me, point blank. Ripping off the band-aid. 

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