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The police man, who I now know is named Vince, carries me out of the house, since I am too weak to walk. I start to feel dizzy and dots are clouding my vision.

I can barely make out the police harshly shoving my abusers into the back of their squad cars.

"Stay with me, we're almost there sweetheart, stay with me," I hear Vince's deep voice say, but I can't make out words.


I wake up too a irritating noise comming from the left side of me. I'm connected to wires, that are connected to machines.

"Where am I?" I grumble incoherently.

"Your in the hospital, sweetheart." I Hear a very familiar voice reply softly. I know who it belongs to, I just need to think on the name for a second.

It comes to me, "Vince?" My voice is breaking and my throat is so scratchy.

"I'm here, honey it's okay," He grabs my hand in comfort and rubs his thumb along my small hand. "It's okay."

"Why am I here?" My voice still cracks and is so quiet. Almost inaudible.

"You fainted from malnutrition and dehydration, sweetheart, you are very lucky you lasted this long. Very very lucky." He tells me.

"Am I going back now?" I question innocently. I hope I don't get sent back there. I don't want to go back. I guess my question caught him off guard because he looked at me gobsmaked.

"No!" he almost screamed "No, no, you are never going back there, never." His tone keeps me quiet, so I know he's serious.

I nod. I believe him. He saved me.

"Thank you," I offer a sad smile and I can see tears in his eyes, welling up. "Thank you, Thank you, so much. You're my savior.

"Hush, you're gonna make me cry." He tells me, a nice smile that shows off his white teeth. "You're so welcome. Now, don't think of the past. Just focus all your attention on getting better, and all the good things that will come once you do."

"Scars don't fade."

Scars Don't Fade (1D Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now