Hannah - Explained...by Hannah

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First of all, know that I can not talk properly. Like, at all. I have a speech disorder or something. I'll be fine,  just calmly talking to someone and suddenly I say senchents instead of sentence. What?? Senchents? Is that even a word? The answer is no, probably not. And when I'm nervous?  I'd be lucky if I could tell someone my name properly. If I were priveleged enough to, say, meet someone famous...someone I've had a crush on since like forever? It's not hard to imagine the most embarrassing situation ever. Trust me, it probably went even worse than you imagine it going. And to top it off, not only was I meeting the love(s) of my life, but I'd be working for them...on their private plane. I'm the new flight attendent. Lucky me, right? The girl who gets motion sickness from swinging on a playground swing and has a chronic fear of crashing and dying in an airplane (no, not hights, just the whole crashing and burning bit) gets to be the flight attendent for her idols. Let's just say the first time I saw One Direction, I was internally screaming and crying. No not because of the plane (I'd scream and cry from that after we took off ), but because I was meeting the five boys that I had dreamed about for years. They introduced themselves to the crew, and one by one, we intoduced ourselves to them. The two pilots were introducing themselves, and the whole time they were talking, I was telling myself to keep calm and state my name clearly. It was finally my turn.

"Hi, um, shit I'm fuck, Hannah. No no, not fuck Hannah, I'm just Hannah. Shit. I'm Hannah. Not just Hannah. Hannah." I smiled widely, trying to cover my embarrassment. The five boys laughed at me. My cheeks turned red as I blushed and looked down. Yeah,  I completely embarrassed myself. This wasn't out of the ordinary for me, but the whole "being in front of your idols since high school" part kind of made it worse. Brooks, who's the co-pilot, smiled sadly at me and patted my head.

"Don't worry about her, she gets nervous when she talks to new people," He said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What? Not always!" I defended myself...even though I knew he was right.

I led the five boys back to their seats,  and the pilots went to the front of the plane.  After everyone was comfortable, I decided to apologize for my lack of proper english...and manners. They were very nice about it and it's something of an inside joke between the six of us now

As time went on I went from living in America to having a small flat in Bon Temp as well as one in London England. I stay wherever the plane goes. I've gotten a bit more used to seeing the boys, and although my heart beats frantically whenever I see them, I've learned to control myself. I've had pretty long conversations with all of the boys during the plane rides. They're very nice people. The first time I saw them with Blake, my heart melted. I could see the way they cared for her, and it made me want to do the same. I had checked into adopting before, and I had even talked to the boys about it. There was a girl in Bon Temp that I'd checked into seeing, but I chickened out before meeting her. Seeing these boys with Blake made me want to grow a pair, and meet this girl. Hopefully she'd like me, and maybe I could make her happy. I'd book a flight back to Bon Temp and soon as we landed in London. Hopefully this would be worth it, and Skylar would accept me as a parent, or sister, or friend, or whatever she needed.

looooooove, the actual Hannah!!!!!
PS Susie said she's proud of me for writing this. This is honestly how I act, I'm pretty crazy. Susie has done a great job of portraying me for the most part and I'm confident that she will continue to. I've been a huge fan of the book pretty much since she started writing. I got behind on reading though, and didn't even know I was a character in the book until I finally caught up and read it after the first chapter with me in it had come out. I can promise you that in this book, no matter how unimportant something seems, it's in there for a reason, and Susie probably has devious plans for it. I'll try to bully her into writing more soon, I promise!

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