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Apperently, Blake isn't the only one who fell asleep during the plane ride. I found myself waking up, confused and startled from the unfamiliar surroundings. Then I remember where I am and where we are going and relax. All the lads are sleeping except Liam. Who still has a sleeping Niall's feet resting on him. He seems to be reading a book, To Kill a Mockingbird.

"Hey, mate, didn't you already read that before?" I ask him with a chuckle.

He jumps, as if I startled him, and he places a hand over his heart.

"Holy shit, Zayn. You gave me a fright! But yes, I've read this book before, it's just such a good book. My favorite by far."

I nod with a smile. Then my face sobers as I feel someone wiggle against me. I look down confused, then I see Blake tucked underneath my arm. She looks cold so I ask Liam to toss me the blanket he is not using. I cover her up and she stops shivering. I relax and watch the movie that is provided on the small tv and let the time ticked by.

About twenty minutes later I hear over the intercom

"We will be landing in London's airport in about ten minutes. Please find your seats and buckle up for safety. Please turn off all cellphones. Thank you."

Then I see the flight attendant Hannah, walk out from behind the small curtain up front. She walks down the isle, making sure we have our trays up and are buckled in. Then she goes to wake the boys.

As Hannah wakes up the three lads, I start to wake up Blake.

"Hey, honeybee, time to wake up! We're in London! Wakey wakey, eggs and baky! Rise and shine, it's morning time! Accually it's like six pm, but..." I gently shake her and her eyes slowly open.

"We're in London?"

"You bet! Are you excited?" I ask, smiling broadly at her. But she don't seem as excited as me, because all she does it shrug. "Don't worry, honey. You'll love London and you can make new and good memories, without constant reminders of your past. You can start over, with all us lads by your side. Every step of the way. We won't ever leave you, Blake." I tried to keep eye contact with her the entire time through my speech, but she kept moving her head away. I wish she could see how serious we are about her. She's not a job, nor a burden.

The rest of the time spent on the plane is silent. Not even the nice silent, it is the akward silent. I want to say something, but nothing comes to mind. I hate this. I hate the akwardness.

As we walk down the hall into the accual airport, Blake holds Louis hand and stays close to his side at all times.


I hold Blake's hand down the hall and when we enter the accual airport, I had my things to Paul, who had a trolley and take Blake into my arms. It's just a percussion, since there is so many people here, in a hurry, I don't want anything to happen.

We exit the airport rather quickly, avoiding the screaming fans and make our way swiftly to the car, awaiting our arrival outside. We get in just in time before the girls notice us and surround the car.

We buckle Blake in and slowly make our way through the mob. She scream pound on the windows and doors. I look back at Blake and she's crying in fear. I look at Niall who is sitting next to her and he quickly takes notice and scoops her into his arms and cuddles her.

Unfortunately, some of the girls take notice of Niall holding someone and start screaming not so nice things.

"Who is that and why is Nialler holding her?!"

"Niall hold me instead! I'm better than that!"

"Who the hell is that and why can she touch and cuddle with our Niall?!"

"Get the fuck away from him!"

"She's so ugly. Why does she get to be with the boys! No fair!"

Thankfully Paul gets us out of there before the start saying some real nasty words and Blake hasn't stopped crying. This time I don't think it's from fear. We don't say anything though, what can we say? She already doesn't believe that we love her.

I don't know what to do.


I feel horrible. I feel worthless, more than usual. The boys tell me I'm worth it, they tell me that there care, they tell me they love me. But those girls? What am I supposed to think? I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so frustrated. And hurt by there words. I just want to be alone.

As I'm lost deep into thought I don't notice that we pull up into a long drive way. I don't want to go it though. There are going to want to talk, but I just want to be alone.

They get all the things inside before they come for me. I resist Louis grip as much as I can, still crying pathetically and whining. Louis hold me as he walks inside and and when he sets me down, I run.

Hey readers. Sorry it's been so long, writers block was kicking my ass and school is back up. And cheer is so tiring. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed 😊

- Susie 💋

Scars Don't Fade (1D Adoption)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن