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Again another week has past. Blake has made great progress with the new heart medication.

Of course, I said this last time and Blake died in surgery for 3 minutes.

Doctor Hoyle said that if tonight's testing goes well, she can leave tomorrow afternoon!

We haven't told Blake the fantastic news. She's been in and out of unconscious this past week.

It's a forced sleep. When she woke up in ICU, she was struggling and ripping out the important wires and wouldn't calm down. So they sedated her. Everytime she woke back up and would continue to resist. And he wounds weren't healing. They put her in a medically induced coma.

In about a half hour the doctor will free her from her sleep.

Until then, the lads and I are talking to management, telling them about the news.

"We should be out of here by tomorrow," Liam tells the snobby pricks.

"That's great boys. That means you can fly out here by Friday to record your new songs and prepare for the tour." Friday?! That's three days.

"Three days?! You do know that our new daughter is just getting out of the hospital tomorrow, right? And you expect us to just pack her up and leave?"

"Yes, Louis. And you will be on the plane, Friday night. Not a second later. Goodbye boys." The bitch ends the call. I would have screamed, if Blake wasn't right here.

"I fucking hate them! They make me want to arggh-" I cut myself off with a frustrated yell.

Before I could say another word, Dr Hoyle walks in.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen."

"Hey doc," we mumble.

He walks over to Blake, who is still unconscious, and injects something into her IV.

"Give her an hour or so. She should regain consciousness by then. Good day." He walks out without another word.

He seems... Different.

Oh well.


It's been 45 minutes and we are waiting for her to wake up.

Another five minutes pass by slowly and still no change.

"Mmmm," What? "Ugggg, daddy?"

"Blake! Guys get up! Blake's awake!"

"Daddy?" She whines again. Who is she calling out for?

"Honey. We're here, I'm here. It's okay," I sooth.

Slowly her eyes open and she looks confused. They I see her starting to remember. She looks at me and says something that makes my heart swell.



I don't know what possessed me to call him daddy. It just feels right. I've been with them for about a month now and he's never gave up on me. None of them have. I still want to runaway. But I'll wait for that.

I feel the closest to Louis. He seems more friendly. More understanding, I guess. I don't know how to explain it.

"Are you talking to me, love?" Louis asks.

I nod. "It hurts, daddy." I whimper.

"What hurts, my throat and chest." I start crying from my throat being so dry and Louis sits on the bed and wraps and arm around me.

"It'll be okay. Harry is going to call Juliette in." He comforts.

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