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Another day has past and still no hope. I just pray our little girl isn't dead in an alley right now.

All us boys are sitting in the lounge trying to think where I haven't checked.

"Did you check the park, Lou?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, all three of 'em." I answered.

"What about the arcade?" Questioned Zayn.

"I haven't thought of that, Zee, but to even get in the door, you have to pay. There would be no way she could be there, unless she stayed outside." Liam told him.

"We just got her! And we've already lost her! How careless can we be?! How irresponsible?!" Harry shouts all of a sudden making Niall fall of off the couch.

"Okay enough! I'm tired of sitting here sulking with our thumbs up our arses! I'm calling the police." I mumble walking towards the end table to get the house phone.


Again we find ourselves sitting in the lounge, except now we are waiting for a police officer to arrive. The door bell rings and I'm at the door before I can process I'm there. I open the door to invite the officer in.

"Hello, I'm officer Vince. I'm here because of a runaway child?"


Short I know! Don't kill me!

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