That Night

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Why can't I get away from insecurities

Why does it matter that she doesn't regret anything

Why did I have to try to be so noble

I should have had "fun"

I shouldn't have tried to save it for her

I should have played like her

These thoughts the hurt

My heart feels burnt

My arms and legs are shaking

The darkness pulls me in

I should have just fallen into sin

So I could share these stories of glory

Why did I say I regret my past

When she clearly lives in hers

I want to move forward

But she can't leave it behind

They're always on her mind

If she can live in her past

Then I can live in mine

Why did I open up

I'm still not all the way there

But she's the closest anyone's come

I want to let her in

But I know when she's in

It will be the same as before

I have fallen on the floor

I'm begging for no more

But you're stepping all over me

My heart has become bruised and bloody

Oh where should I start

Your memories are stilettos dancing on my love

But they still hold the key to me

She doesn't need a key when she can bend the bars I put up

You're breaking me bit by bit

I can't feel anything

I wish I didn't regret everything

I want to take it all away

Wash it all away

But I know the pain you cause is real

It is love I feel for you

Every aching heart beat

Every labored breath

Every sorrowed tear

Is for you to you because of you

Is this love I feel

I'm praying that it's real

I just don't see why

You can't leave them behind for me

I've left everything for you

That's what people do

I don't think its love you feel

You're in love with love

Either way I just want to be with you

In sickness and in health

In poorness and wealth

I want to be with you

I know it's you

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