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I'm not a feminist

I'm not a chauvinist

I'm a humanist

I respect you for you

Being a woman does not entitle you to anything

Being a man does not entitle you to anything

Being a good human being is all that matters

Hypocrisy is exhausting

Anger grows inside me like a tumor

Because you can carry a child does not make you special

Because you are a virile male does not make you special

How you treat others is what identifies you

Feminists scream their superiority

While belittling men and women alike

Chauvinists cry they are losing control of everything

When it was never theirs' to own or control

Why is it so hard for people to see others as equals




We are all equally beautiful and equally different

It's all assigned gender and expectation words on paper nothing more

Sexism, racism, all of the "isms" disgust me

We are part of humanity

And right now I am ashamed

I am heartbroken by what I see on the street

There is a pebble in my gut that has began to grow

Soon it will be a bolder

A bolder of sadness, pain , and heartache 

People would sooner divide and fight than come together

I just hope that we all realise that it's

How you treat others that live beside you 

That truly dictates your worth as a human.

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