I See You

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I see you
The pain you try to hide
The way you shift to avoid contact
The loose cloths as a disguise
The way you smile and laugh
But it never reaches your eyes
I see you
Trying to appear timid
Your voice a whisper in the ether
Like a breeze that brushes your ear
I see you
Protecting those dear with ferocity
A lioness with claws and fangs
Fighting for those who cannot
I see you
Draping arms across your shoulders
To lift those who cannot stand
But do they not see
How the extra weight bloodies raw skin
Pressed and pinched into your own crutches
I see you
And all the good you do
I just hope at the end of the day
After you scrub the filth away
There is a shoulder waiting for you
To lean on or cry into.

Ink & TearsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang