What's True

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It's a struggle between right and wrong

Oh how wrong I have been

I'm stained red with sin

Why have I strayed so far

Why am I always making new scars

A new memory of pain

Why do I seek for hurt

I where this black to mask my shame

Cause I think this torment is deserved

So much wrong I've done

In your eyes I should be shunned

There is no forgiveness in my future

This black is on me forever

All I need is a place to go

That nobody else knows

Somewhere dark and secluded

It's my memories I'm eluding

But it's in the darkness they find me most

So why do I go to those places

Do I really want to forget

Are my words really legit

I've lost myself

I can't tell what's true anymore

It has all turned into a blur

And that's what disturbs me most

I don't know how I feel

I can't tell what's real

I'm lost in myself

Somebody please find me

Cause I don't know what's real

The lines have been blurred

Please help me find myself.

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