Chapter 3: Resting

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 After about an hour of playing, y'all decided to quit. It gets a little boring after a while so you unhooked your wii and everything while Toy Bonnie got the tables put back and the tv put up. Then you two just sat on stage and talked. Just talked. And you enjoyed every moment of it. Well, until you started getting tired from the lack of sleep that night. It was hard to keep your energy up so you felt like you were pushing yourself just to say one word. You tried your best to keep it hidden though... apparently not enough. He saw right through your shell. 

"Darlin', you feeling alright. You seen awfully tired." He said. You shook your head. "I'm fine, I promise. Just a little headache." Not a complete lie. You had a headache. Just not a tiny one. "Hey, come here for a minute, sweetie." He said, gently grabbing your hand and standing up with you. He dragged you to one of the party rooms, if course you kinda just walked where he wanted you to go. 

You trusted him, unlike your boss. William Afton. He was always hiring in the shadows and trying to hide stuff. Whenever he was around you, he would act like the perv he is and pin you to a wall. You haven't told anyone yet, and you weren't planning too. He could probably beat the crap out of you and no one would know. "Why'd you want me to come in here?" "It just felt weird having Toy Chica watch us over the cameras. Anyways, have you ever been in here?" "N-no, I d-don't think s-so." 'Crap, the studder is back' 

You both slid down the wall too di sit down. Toy Bonnie kinda just rested his head against the wall while you just curled yourself into a ball, tense. You saw he was looking at the ceiling, so you looked along with him. You saw some star props hung from the ceiling and some ripped off bits from other birthday banners. "I usually come here to escape from reality. It may not look like much to you but here I get to imagine what it's like in the outside world. Star gazing and watching the sunset." He said. You kinda felt bad for him and the others. Seeing the same walls must get boring. You found yourself sinking into deep thought yourself. What is it like to be doing fun stuff like that. Usually your schedule was: Sleep, get ready for work, go to work, go back home, sleep. You nearly got any time to even eat. Y

ou sighed and looked down. Your headache was increasing, using your brain too much so you tried to just rest. You seemed to be yawning a lot more than usual at the moment. It seemed like every minute their was another yawn. You tried to cover the fact you were yawning when you did but this was just getting ridiculous. A few moments later, you thoughtlessly rested your head on Toy Bonnie's shoulder and closed your eyes.

You noticed he tensed up for a moment before realizing it was you. After that, he just wrapped an arm around you, pulled you closer, then started just rubbing your arm and playing with your hair. After a minute or two, you were knocked out. Good thing it was Friday. You could stay their all you wanted. Technically, it's your job to "lock up", who says you have to leave? Since Toy Bonnie knew this, he just let you sleep on him the whole night. Besides, he kinda enjoyed it.

He did move you around a bit. He picked you up gently and placed you on his lap, allowing you too rest against his chest and your head too be more comfortable. Of course he didn't stay awake all night. He tried but his head fell (gently of course) on top of yours and he fell asleep as well. Somewhere in the middle of the night, your body told your mind to wrap your arms around Toy Bonnie. 

So that's what it did. And so did he. As if it couldn't get any worse, guess who walked in. Toy Chica. She looked at you two and awwed. She ran to grab your phone, unlocked it, and took a few pics of you two. She was the only one who knew your password because you trusted her, she was your only friend. Plus, if you're dying, someone's gotta call the ambulance. She somehow got out of their without a sound even being made. You slept through the whole night. You did wake up before him but he woke up due to your sudden movement. You both blushed quite a bit but of course, you did more. Don't worry though, this is just where the story begins.

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