Chapter 20: Im scared

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So, update on the day so far. Toy Bonnie was talking with Puppet, Toy Chica and Mangle were doing each other's makeup, and Toy Freddy and Balloon Boy were playing Call of Duty. Which meant you were alone in your room. You didn't really feel scared tho. It was nice having a bit of privacy. You weren't even thinking of the shadows. You were just reading your book in piece. Then you heard something in front of you. You look up through the lids of your eyes and see something purple. It also looked strangely familiar. That's when it hit you. Shadow Freddy was right in front of you. You froze in terror. You had no idea what to do. Do you try and run or do you ignore him. You thought all of these thoughts while staring directly at your book. It was a mistake taking your eyes off him. "GOT YA!" you heard from behind you.

You woke up in a glass cage. You immediately freak out but try not to make any noise. You look in front of you and find toy bonnie just sitting, facing you but he was leaning back with his eyes closed. He was passed out. You silently crawled over to him and shook him. "T-toy Bonnie." you whispered. He slowly opened his eyes. "W-where...?" He questioned as he gained his vision back. You moved back, giving him some room. He quickly noticed that we were in a different room. "... aw crap. They got us, didn't they?" He asked. You nodded nervously. He sighed and curled into a ball. He almost looked scared. You were never good at comforting people but seeing him like this almost broke your heart. You did the first thing that came to your mind, you pet him. You weren't sure why but it felt right. He seemed to ease right into your hand. Then you heard someone coming. You and Toy Bonnie both shot your heads over. It was shadow freddy.

"Why good morning sleepyheads. You two have been sleeping long enough." He said with an evil grin. It made a shiver go down your spine. "What do you want Fredrick?" Toy Bonnie said, a hint of venom in his voice. You assumed he made his voice sound like that in order to sound like the bigger character. It definitely worked. Also... FREDRICK?! "Oh, no need to fear, Bon Bon. I'm just here to fill you two in on my plan. Don't you at least want to know what I'm going to do with you two?" You crawled backward some, toward Toy Bonnie. You were genuinely terrified, but tried keeping it inside. Wasn't working.

"It's quite simple really. I'm using her as my little puppet. You see, I found out how to control humans, or so I think. She's the only human out here so I'll try her out and if this works, I'll control y'all's planet forever in her body. And you,Toy Bonnie, are here because you are going to be my servant. That and you get to watch as your precious human parishes into nothing more than just a body." You shrunk backward until you hit Toy Bonnies chest. He just reacted by wrapping his arms around you and holding you closer.

"I'll be dead before I let you do anything to her." He hissed at him. Shadow Freddy grinned in response. "If that's what it comes down too, then so be it" he says causing you to flinch. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way. Have fun fearing for your life." He says before he faded off. You already had tears rolling down your face. You were gonna die... and so was Toy Bonnie. You didn't know how to really react so you curled yourself into Toy Bonnie and started crying.

He rubbed your back and occasionally started mumbling sweet nothingness'. It calmed you down but you were still in fear of your life being stolen from you.No, at this point, your life didn't matter. Toy Bonnie might die. And if Shadow Freddy didn't do the deed, you would have too, against your own will. Also, how did he seem so calm? Also also, why did he call him Fredrick? You were so confused. So much stuff was going through your head that you just feel asleep on Toy Bonnie.

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