Chapter 4: You did WHAT?!

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Toy Chica dragged you into the kitchen once she found out you were awake. Of course, she asked all about what y'all did. You tried to respond to all of them the best you could without making her "fangirl scream" as she called it. She, of course, she brought up you sleeping on him.

"So... what happened last night? How'd you sleep?" She asked, smirking. Your face hated up as you responded, "Well, yea, I slept well. W-why?" She giggled. "You looked cozy. Snuggled up to Toy Bonnie like that may lead one to think y'all are already dating.Oooooh." She said. Your face heated up a lot more. 

"N-No, I-I-I just wasn't feeling too well so I rested my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. T-that's all." "Oh really?" She said, holding up your phone with the picture on it. You squealed and instantly grabbed your phone. "How did you get that?!" You yelled as she started laughing her butt off. "Oh well, I *wheese* had to go and *wheese* check on you haha." She tried to say in between her laughs. You grumbled and looked at your phone again. 

All you could do was stare at how peaceful Toy Bonnie looked as you slept in his lap. After a few minutes she broke your gaze. "Seems like you're enjoying the picture." You glared at her then back at your phone. "I can't believe you did this. What if he sees it." "Ok, first off, your welcome. Second off, so what what if he finds out? What's he going to do?" You sighed then turned off your phone. 

"Also, one question, before I forget." You said, looking back at Toy Chica. She popped up. "Well, I don't see why not. What's up?" "Toy Bonnie mentioned going outside basically. I guess my question is, are y'all able to go outside?" You asked, trying too keep what he says sort of a secret. "No, not even as humans. Look." She said, taking off one of her gloves. It revealed a metal wristband on her wrist.

 "All of us have it. That's why we all wear gloves and never take them off. Anyway, if we even take foot outside the building, it shocks us until we go back inside." "Ouch" you said, imagining what it would feel like. "Yea," she said, her happy tone dropping too a sad one. You gently took her wrist and examined the band. It was plain silver, except for an imprint in it. It said "Property of Afton Robotics.". William Afton, your boss. You sighed. She put her glove back on and remained silent too. It just got really awkward after that. 

That was until you got an idea. 

"What if... what if he still has the blueprints and codes for this in his office? I might be able to either get it off or disable it." You said, mainly talking to her, but also kind of yourself. "No. No way you're doing anything that involves him. I see how he treats you-" Well, I'm going too help y'all one way or another. And unless you have a better idea, that's what I'm doing." You said, turning away. It was quiet for a moment before you felt a hand on your shoulder. 

"If it'll make you happy, I can't really stop you. Just please be careful. I'll be the test subject if you need one." She said. You smiled and looked back at her. "Thanks Chi Chi." She giggled. You gave her that nickname a while back and only used it if you were happy or releaved. "Well, what're you waiting for? Let's get this plan started. 

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