Chapter 19: Kidnapped

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"How are you so incredibly good at this?"Toy Freddy complained. He alway did this whenever you beat him in a game. Balloon Boy just laughed at how competitive he was whenever it wasn't just him. " I don't know, you kinda just suck at aiming." You said, making sure to get on his nerves. It definitely worked. You heard him growl. "No, you just move too much. I can't get a clear shoot if you wont stop moving." He responded. "That's the whole point of the game Fred. Try and figure out the other team's plan and stop it while sticking to your own plan." You shoot back, hitting new game and joining a server. You guys played a few more shooting games before Toy Freddy ragged quit.

"Alright, then what do you suggest we play? Mario?" Balloon Bay asked. Toy Freddy sighed. "Too boring. What about a racing game?" You sat bored as you watched the two argue over a game. You finally decided on one. Key word, you. You got up, went to the game bin you had, and popped in minecraft. You loved playing it. You found it calming but they haven't tried it. "What's this?" Balloon Boy asked.

"Minecraft. It's a game where you can build stuff and kill stuff and just chill. Here, I'll start you two off on one of my old worlds." You loaded up a world where you had already built a house, started building a farm, and created a nether portal. You could bring yourself to create a portal to the end though. "Ok, if you want chill you can stay here and do whatever but if you want to kill stuff, go into that portal thingy. It takes you into a whole nother world that's on fire. And if you want a mission, if you gather the stuff to get into 'the end', you can fight a dragon."you explained. They both looked excited. You knew they could probably figure it out.

You smiled and left to go to the bathroom. Once you were on your way back though, you heard sounds. Weird and glitchy ones too. They were right behind you. "Peek a Boo." It said. Before you knew it, you felt a hand go around your waist and a hand cover your mouth, dragging you back. You were dragged into the shadow dimension except this time, you were in a cage. You tried screaming but they're was a weird hand on your mouth. "There's no use in screaming, my dear. No one can hear you. Now that I've got you, you can't escape." You tried squirming out of his reach but it was unsuccessful. "Goodnight" you heard before everything went black.

You gasped as you woke up. It was all a dream. That's the fourth one this week. You can feel that Toy Bonnie isn't next to you. 'Maybe he just couldn't sleep.' you thought, laying back down. For some reason you couldn't stop shaking. If Puppet doesn't hurry up and do what she needs to do, you'd probably be dead. You glance over in the corner of your room. You see the outline of Toy Bonnie.

He looked like he had been trying to draw something but he fell asleep. 'i didn't know he drew.' You thought as you went to check on him. His drawing was facing upward on the ground and his face was buried in his arms with his knees brought up to his chest. He looked kinda sad as he slept. You were about to wake him up but you decided to just carry him to bed. You slid your hand under his legs and behind his back and lightly picked him up. He actually wasn't that heavy despite him being taller than you. He kinda just nuzzled into you as you picked him up.

He looked distressed, like he was having a nightmare. It was really sad. You wanted to wake him up but felt it would be weird so you simply walked back to the bed and laid him down. As you were putting the blanket over him, he started shifting, clearly unconformable with the situation in his dream. You run your fingers through his hair a little to soothe him a little bit more. It seemed to have worked. He stopped moving and his face seemed normal. You still felt bad for him. You crawled over to your side of the bed and sat their. After a minute, Toy Bonnie shot up from his sleep. You jerked your head towards him. He seemed like he had just awoken from a nightmare.

"Oh, h-hey sugar. H-how are you?" He says once he noticed you were awake. "I'm alright. Are you alright?" You asked, rubbing his back slightly. He sighed. "Yea, I just had another nightmare is all." He said all chill, trying to play it off. Your eyes widened, "Another?" "Yea, i've been getting them the past few weeks. It's about two people like me and Freddy but... darker. And then they try to kill me and you while the others are all evil somehow and I guess it just felt a little too real for me."he explained.

You mentally gasped. It was very clear he was talking about the shadows. But how? He wasn't supposed to know about them. Unless, since he's shadow Bonnie's counterpart they somehow share some sort of a connection. Probably it. But the fact he says it was just you and him in this dream was enough to make you question things. You tried to brush it off. "Maybe talk to Puppet tomorrow. She might know what too make of it." You explained. He looked at you, very tiredly, and nodded, closing his eyes and turning his head back forward. You continued rubbing his back, putting him to sleep a little bit more. Finally he was asleep again. And you weren't far off either. You would just have to remember to talk to shadow Bonnie tomorrow. You laid down and finally went to sleep. "Puhuhu, you are not at all prepared for what's heading your way, Y/N. No one is."

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