Chapter 29: Who are" The Withereds"

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You were sitting on your bed, thinking about these new animatronics you had just heard about. You knew close to nothing about them except for the fact that they were the broken prototypes that were stored in the backroom at the old pizzeria. You were never allowed back their. Something about a safety issue. Maybe the company thought if they got the wrong person back their, they could steal some stuff and make something deadly.

Sadly, they already had the wrong person have access to everything, Afton. He was one of the founders of Freddys technically but he was an insane man who only used everything for his own good. You were certain Henry knew, but why he let him keep full control was beyond your knowledge. Maybe you could talk with Henry about them though. Sure, the toys knew them, but none seemed comfortable with talking about them.

You sighed and pulled out your phone, calling Henry. "Oh what's up? Haven't heard from you in a while." He answered. You sighed and russled your hair. "I uh, just got word that these 'withered animatronics' are after me and I was wondering if you knew anything about them?" You asked, kinda scared. Their was a short silence on the phone. "You free today?" He asked, sounding a bit more stern. "Yea." "Wanna come over so we can 'catch up'?" He asked. You sighed, you hated going out. But you did need to inform him on all that was going on right now. "...Can I bring one or two of the animatronics?" You asked. "Yep, my house, 5 o'clock. See you then." He said before hanging up. You sighed.


You were nearly their. You decided on taking Toy Bonnie and Puppet. If anything was to happen, those two were the two you were closest two. You trusted them more than anyone, even T-chi. She was just a bit much. She understood. That and you told her she had to watch over the others until you got back so she took it as a big responsibility. As you approached his house, you felt your stomach starting to twist a bit. It was just odd. You tried to shake off the feeling, concentrating on the street.

"You alright bunny?" Toy Bonnie asked, looking at you,concerned. You nodded and smiled. "Yea, it's just weird going to one of my co-bosses houses." You explained, trying to ease his nerves a bit. He nodded and looked back outside. "Any idea how long until we get their?" He asked. "Yea, just a minute more." You responded. After a few more seconds, you turned into his driveway. You could see him standing on his porch, waiting. "And we're here." You explained, turning the car off. All of yall hopped out as Henry approached yall to greet yall.

"Why hello again." He greeted you as you shut and locked your car door. "Hello Henry, nice to see you again." You greeted, turning around. "Please, come inside, we've got some catching up to do." He said, leading y'all through the door of his house. You could feel Toy Bonnie looming close behind you which gave you a little bit of comfort but you were still scared. After he finally led yall inside, he took yall into what looked like a basement except he had turned it into some sort of...workshop almost. It was clearly used to make and build animatronics.

"I know it's not much, but the rest of my house is somehow messier than this place so I guess we can just chill in here." Henry stated, turning around. "Hm, this place looks offaly familiar. Would you mind if I look around?" Puppet asked, examining everything. "I suppose so, just please refrain from touching anything." Henry responded as she started wandering around, examining everything. Toy Bonnie followed her just to make sure she didn't touch anything.

"So," Henry started, facing you. You took a deep breath before looking at him again. "What's the current situation?" You sighed. "Well, Aftons not dead, just in a rotting suit apparently, this guy named Shadow Freddy is still after me for whatever reason, and now apparently these 'withereds' are after me as well. None of them really have a valid reason for doing so and I'm personally terrified, but no one else wants to tell me who these 'withereds' are so I came to ask you." You explained as silently as you could. Puppet seemed to hate even hearing the word 'withereds'. He hummed. "Well, that's very unfortunate for you, but nonetheless, I'll still help you." He explained, walking over to a nearby laptop. You followed.

He soon got logged into it and pulled up some downloads. "You remember that backroom that all employees were never really allowed near or around?" He asked while he went through images. "Yea?" "Well, they were in there. And this is why." He said, pulling up a picture of a bunch of broken animatronics. "Oh wow." You gasped, looking at them. One's face was missing, the others hands, and they were all torn to pieces basically.

"Yea. You see, long ago they used to run the show. You know, good ol' original Freddy Fazbear and the gang. But after a while, the suits started... well, let's just say they weren't smelling too good and they just weren't as entertaining anymore. It was time for an upgrade. So, we designed and made new animatronics to run the show. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but before long they had just withered to pieces. It looks to me like they were attacked, but we have no camera footage from that night, it was all erased. And because of that incident, we weren't exactly sure if they were safe so we locked them in the back room and forbid any workers from ever going near that area." He explained, flipping through the few pictures of them that they had.

You were super invested, but you almost felt bad for them. Locked up there for so long. "And how long were they in their?" You asked. "Um.... at least a few years." Phew, yea, that was bad. "Wow, I almost feel bad for them." You silently said, ruffling your hair. "Yea, and now that I know they're alive and have feelings, that makes it even worse. Didn't they burn in that fire tho?" Henry asked. "No idea, I wouldn't leave my house, I just saw the news about it then I got a call from Toy Chica." You explained. "Oh yea, that's right. That was the week you were skipping." He said, clicking out of the folders. You wanted so bad to tell him why but it was still a touchy subject. "Anyway, guess that's about it. Any other questions?" He asked. You shook your head. 

After a frew more minutes of chatting, you guys finally decided to leave. It was strange though, it's like Puppet had this automatic emotional connection with Henry and his place. It intrigued you. Buth within a few minutes, y'all were back home. And you were just ready to plop down on your bed and process everything again. If anything that scared you more. Once you got home, Puppet immediately ran inside. Luckily nothing was burnt down.

"Hey, you alright?" Tb asked, brushing some hair behind your ear. "Hm? Oh yea, just tired." You said, getting out of the car. "Bunny, you know I know you better than that. What's wrong?" He said, following you. "Eh, I guess I just don't wanna talk about it." You explained, walking inside. "You know what'll cheer you up?" He asked, smirking. You sighed, "What?" He chuckled and picked you up. "Wha- hey." You chuckled, grabbing onto him. "Yup, never fails." He laughed, walking upstairs, holding you as you giggled. 

(Wow, I hated writing this bc i lost interest half way through lol but now you know a little more about the withereds and what happened. Don't worry, you'll get more info on them as this story progresses^^ I feel like the next chapter is when it about to go down. Trust me, you dont wanna miss it. Anyway, goodbye everyone, see you in the next chapter^^)

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