Chapter 10: New housemates

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You drove around the corner of where the phone booth was. You saw many colors behind the bushes so you knew you had found them. You pulled up and got out of your car, looking around carefully, just in case. Then, you walked behind the bush to greet the others. 

"Well, hello gang." You said. Toy Chica automatically jumped up and hugged you. "You came!" She squealed. "I mean, yea. Anyway, come on. We've got to get y'all home before someone spots us." You said, frantically. Toy Chica sat in the passenger side, Balloon Boy and Toy Bonnie sat in the seats behind you two and everyone else fit in the back seat. You climbed in the driver's seat, but of course someone one had to say something. 

"Hey, since we haven't really seen the town, maybe we could ride around a bit." Toy Chica said. "ChiChi, if anyone sees y'all, I'm dead." You whisper-shouted while turning on your car. "Oh, come on love. It'll be fun." Toy Bonnie said from behind you, rubbing you head and messing up your hair a little bit. You felt your face heat up. Toy Chica leaned over towards you and whispered in your ear. "Come on, your crush wants too. It's the least you could do after leaving us alone for a few days." She says while you could hear Toy Freddy, Puppet, Mangle, and Balloon Boy in the background yelling 'please' and other stuff. 

You sat in silence for a moment, contemplating weather to do it or not. What were thechances of Afton seeing you. Not a lot. I mean, the windows were tinted so that was a good sign. You sighed before   saying "I can not believe in doing this." Everyone started cheering. You placed your hands back on the wheel and drove off around the town. It was basic and blah, but these guys have never even seen another building before so this was all so new to them. It made you laugh as you heard some of them get excited over seeing a Burger King. After about an hour or two of driving around for fun, you decided to head back.

On the way their, Balloon Boy and Mari fell asleep which was strange considering how they were just screaming in excitement. Well, you remembered being sort of like that when you were a child, but your childhood was very splotchy. Your members were always all over the place. After a few minutes, you finally reached the house. Mangle, very rudely, woke the other two up while everyone else hopped out of the car and went inside.

"Wow, this place looks great man." Toy Freddy complimented while observing the place. "Thanks, it took a lot of work to get this done." "Wow, you did all of this?!" Toy Chica squealed. You nodded. Maybe this was a bad idea. "Alright, this place only has 2 spare bedrooms so everyone will have to have a roommate or two, including me." You explained, leaning on a wall. "Any suggestions?" You saw Toy Chica look at you and grin. It wasn't just a normal one either, it was an evil grin. "Well, if we separate boys from girls then that leaves the three roommate people to be me, Mangle, and Puppet. Therefore leaving Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Balloon Boy." She started. "Ok, your point being?" Mangle asked. "One of the boys needs to bunk with her." She said. "Well, Toy Freddy and Balloon Boy are the gaming duo so, Toy Bonnie?" Puppet said, glancing at Toy Bonnie. "I mean, I'm fine with it" he said. "Alright, then it's settled. I'll show all of y'all the rooms"

Time Skip to night time

You were currently in your room sitting on your bed while Toy Bonnie layed on your floor, coloring a picture. He apperently found one of your old coloring books and decided he wanted it. You were currently just staring at a corner of the room until Toy Bonnie brought you out of your gaze. "Hey, sweetie?" You looked over at him, "hm?" "You seem tired." He said, getting up and crawling on the bed in front of you. "No, I'm just deep in thought is all." You responded, obviously trying to make it as not awkward as possible. He grabbed your chin gently, bring your gaze to him. He look at you for a moment before saying, 

"Yea, your definitely tired, love." He responded. You shook your head and he pulled his hand away. "I'm fine, I'm just thinking about stuff." You said, reverting your gaze back to the corner. "Oh, come on. Your movements are even incredibly slow. When's the last time you even slept?" He asked. "Last n-night, why?"

 "Hm... if you say so." He said hesitantly. You continued to stare at random points in your room while he strummed a tone on his guitar. After a few moments, you finally decided you wanted a midnight snack. "I'm going to go get something to eat, you wanna come?" You asked. He leaned his guitar in the wall and stood up. "I guess so. Lead the way, darling." He said, opening the door for you. You silently walked your way out considering everyone else was probably asleep. You could see just fine in the dark but Toy Bonnie... well.... He somehow couldn't despite being a robot. 

He put his hands on your shoulders halfway through and had to follow you. You wish you could say you were happy, but you felt just... blah. Probably the lack of sleep. Well, at least you had housemates now so you could sleep knowing a murderer wouldn't come and kill you. Finally, y'all arrived at the kitchen and you turned on the light, going to grab a cereal bar. 

"By the way, thank you for letting us stay here love." Toy Bonnie said as you grabbed your cereal bar. "No problem. Y'all are my friends. I wouldn't want anything happening to y'all." You responded and grabbed another one. "Want one?" You asked. "Hm, why not?" He said, grabbing it. You smiled and opened yours while he struggled to open his. "You need help?" He nervously grinned and nodded. "Here." You took his and showed him how to open it and gave it back to him. He laughed nervously. "Th-thanks." He said, taking a bite. You saw his eyes glow up. He had never had anything other then Toy Chicas cheap pizza so it made since for him too be side open too try new stuff. 

"This is really good." He said, smiling and taking another bite as you did the same. "Yea, it's a good little snack or/and good breakfast item." You said, trying too make it not awkward really fast. "It is." After you both finished your cereal bar, you lead him back to your room. "Well, thank you. That was very nice of you." He said. You were going too say something but you yawned do you kinda just have him a thumbs up and a smile as a 'no problem' "Aww, someone's tired." He said, leaning against the wall. "Noo." You mumbled as you hid your face in you hands so he wouldn't see the blush forming on your face. "Alright Sugar Plum, time for bed." He said, swooping you up in his arms. You quietly squealed as he walked your over too the bed and dropped you on it, on your side anyway. "Oh come on." You said. He crawled in the bed next to you. After a minute, your eyes gave out on you and you feel asleep in Toy Bonnie's arms.

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