Chapter 11: Tornado

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You were sitting in bed, reading a book while Toy Bonnie played his guitar. You found it calming when he strummed tones on his guitar, especially in a time like this. It was currently storming outside. You hated storms and bad weather, yet you moved into a place where that is laterally more common than seeing people walking around on the streets. It had gotten really windy, you just hoped it wasn't anything too much. As if on cue, you heard a tornado siren.

Luckily, your town had one so you were safe. Toy Bonnie's head darted up. "What is that?!" He asked. "Just follow me." You said, gently grabbing his hand and rushing you and him out of the room. "We have to get to the bomb shelter." You said running down the hall. You saw everyone had already left their rooms wondering what the heck was going on. "Why is that so loud?!" You heard Mangle yell over the siren.

"Everyone, follow me." You said running down too where the living room was, moving the coffee table and lifting the rug to reveal a hidden door. "How long has that been their?!" Toy Chica yelled. "Forever!" You finally got it open and moved out the way so you could get everyone in it safely. And you did, applause for you.

But just as you we're heading in, the coffee table fell over and landed on your ankle. You squealed in pain as you threw it off again and somehow managed to crawl your way down through the pain, shutting the "door" behind you. "Is everyone safe?" You asked. "I mean, yea why?" Mangle asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"That was a tornado siren. It means their would be really close to us or in our area so we had to get down here fast." You explained. You watched as multiple jaws dropped. You, at the moment, were standing on one foot and leaning against the wall. "What do we do?!" Toy Chica squeaked. "Don't worry, I was prepared for this. We have tons of food and some board games we could play." You responded. Toy Freddy gasped. "Do you have Jenga?" "I do." You said, grinning. "Yas!" Toy Freddy and Balloon Boy yelled at the same time. Everyone else laughed at them.

After they saw where it was and went to go play in the other corner, you slid yourself down the wall and gently grabbed your ankle. You winced in pain but kept it quiet. Grabbing your ankle, you saw it had swollen up some. 'I probably just sprung it.' you thought to yourself. You just needed to get the first aid kit and bandage it up... BUT IT WAS SO FAR. Of course you couldn't make it over there on your own...

 Or could you? 

You tried sliding yourself over, but this only resulted in you failing miserably. "Need any help, love?" You heard someone ask. Who other than Toy Bonnie. "Um, y-y-y-yes please." You said, trying to get yourself on your feet. "What happened to your ankle?" He asked, squatting down in front of you. "I.. Well.... Coffee table." Is all you said, but he understood what it meant. He went over and grabbed the first aid and brought it over to you. "Alright, here you go. Anything else?" He asked. You shook your head no as you took the first aid kit, opened it, and grabbed the bandages. Toy Bonnie sat down in front of you.

"Do you need help, love?" You shook your head while gently grabbing your ankle to move it in a good place. It hurt more than you anticipated it to. You grit your teeth in pain. "Are you sure, darlin'. You look like you're in pain." He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Y-Yea." You responded, yanking away. You wrapped it around the button of your foot and worked your way up. "Alright... I've got it." You said as you finished wrapping it up. Then you and everyone else heard a giant crack.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Toy Chica yelled. "It's the tree in the backyard, it hasn't given out yet. It probably can't hit the house so we're still fine." You responded. "And if it hits the house?" Balloon Boy asked, scared. You took a deep breath. "We'll all still be alive, just the house will be broken. Nothing that construction can't fix." You said, trying not to panic like them. Then y'all heard some sort of big hit the ground outside and the power went out. Most everyone screamed. Everyone except you and Toy Bonnie, he just grabbed onto you tightly. After a second though, he let go.

"Huh, the power line fell again. Wonder how long it will take to fix 'em again." You said, mostly too yourself. "Does this happen a lot or something?" Toy Freddy asked. "Well Hurricane isn't the safest town what so ever so.... Pretty much yea." "It's even named after a natural disaster. It makes since." Mangle said. You nodded. That was actually true. Hurricane was specifically named after a natural disaster to warn off all people who were afraid of that stuff.

You have been living their since middle school, so you were a little bit more used to being in this room. It had stuff to keep you occupied and multiple blankets and pillows. It even had a month's worth supply of food and drinks, maybe even more. "Hm, makes since. How long will this tornado go on for?" Toy Chica asked. "I usually stay down here all night just to make sure its safe when I go back up." You responded, leaning back against the wall. "Aw." You heard her say. "So, what do you expect us to do in the meantime?" Mangle asked. "I don't know, talk." You exclaimed. She sighed and put her chin on her hand.

"A-Alright. How about we tell spooky stories then. I've got some good ones." Toy Freddy said. "Oh please, I've heard your scary stories. Their worse than Toy Chica playing fortnight." Balloon Boy fought back. Classic brotherly bond, though technically they weren't brothers but they had that relationship going on. "Oh really? I'd like to see you do better." He responded. "Oh your on." You were silently curious to see what they had. You did watch a lot of scary movies so this should be interesting. Both managed too scare Toy Chica and Puppet but Toy Bonnie nor Mangle looked scared at all. Just their personalities, I guess. Mangle even fell asleep. You, of course, weren't even a little scared.

"Alright, I give up. What scares you two?" Toy Freddy asked, looking at you and Toy Bonnie. You had apparently zoned out. "I watch too many scary films to be scared of your spooky stories." You responded. "So, you should be able to scare me and BB, right?"" He shot back. "I mean, maybe." "NONONONONO, PLEASE NO!" Toy Chica yelled. Shes tested you before and she basically couldn't perform the next day.

"One more story then I'm going to sleep, got it." You said. Everyone but Toy Chica and Puppet nodded. They were shaking in fear. You managed to scare EVERYONE. Well, Mangle was asleep, but everyone else. Even Toy Bonnie. "O-Ok you get the t-t-trophy for best horror story, happy???" Toy Freddy asked, sliding himself into the back wall. You giggled with what energy you had left. "Sure." "Alright everyone, put out the torches."you said. Once they were all out, you grabbed a few blankets and pillows, threw them at everyone, and layed down. In the morning, it was safe to leave.

💙🐰𝑀𝓎 𝐻𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝐵𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎🐰💙Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora