Chapter 25: Venting

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It's been a few weeks since you broke your leg. In fact, you had just gotten the cast off last week. But you really needed some time to yourself. So, you went out to the little space where you took TB to stargaze. You informed the others you were going out and told TB where so the others didn't ask. You didn't want anyone other than TB knowing about that place yet. It was quiet. You stared into the distance deep in thought. 'Why me?' you kept repeating in your head. Then that one memory with Afton popped into your head, making you cringe.

You really hoped he was actually dead, but something kept telling you he wasn't. He was dead, but not gone. It may be a strange thought to have, but that's what made it scarier. But why did he kiss you? Wasn't he married? Didn't he have children? Also, how many had he killed right under your nose? He said you were victim 30th or something. Somewhere in their. No matter how much you tried, you just couldn't shake that day, the day everything went wrong. You heard footsteps approaching and turned to see who it was.

"Oh, hey TB." You greeted. "Hello darling, I just thought I'd come check on you. You've been out here for quite awhile. You doin alright?" You nodded and continued looking into the distance. "Yea, just a lot going on. I'm not used to so much... action." You nervously chuckled as he sat down next to you. He looked at you with those sympathetic eyes he had. It was like the eyes that kids give you when they want something but way worse. Puppy dog eyes. You sighed, "Yes?" "You sure you alright. I get where you're coming from, between Afton and....HIM, but you look... distraught. Broken almost." He explained. You brought your knees up to your chest and nodded. "Yea just.... A lot and I don't know how to handle it all." You finally explained, resting your head on your knees.

"I get it. What can I do to help?" He asked, rubbing your back. You shrugged and continued staring off into space. "Well, is their a certain thing on your mind? Maybe we should just talk it off." He suggested. You sighed. "Well, when I went into the restaurant the last day and had to have a talk with...Afton, he did something that's been kinda looming with me but it's nothing." You explained, just kinda brushing it off. "What? Other than him trying to kill you?" He asked, trying to play it off like he was still somewhat calm, when in reality, he wanted to smash Afton into the ground even more then he wanted to before. "Yea... but it was nothing too bad. Don't worry about it." He grumbled, but sighed and brushed it off. You two were silent for a minute before you spoke up.

"He kissed me."

"What?" Toy Bonnie asked, turning to you. "He pinned me to a wall and kissed me before trying to kill me. And that's what's been replaying in my mind. I don't know why... but it is and for some reason, it still hurts." You mumbled again. He frowned and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. "I'm so sorry he did that to you." He mumbled. You surprisingly felt more comfortable around him, especially when he wrapped his arm around you. You slightly frowned and leaned your head against his shoulder. After a few moments, he spoke up.

"Anything else bothering you?" you shook your head. "No, nothing that's really sticking anyway." He hummed again before rubbing your back. "Not even.... Us?" You turned to him, confused. "Who? You guys? Of course not. Why would you ask that?" T.B. shrugged. "I'm not gonna lie, I know since we showed up, a lot has been happening which really leads me to believe we may be causing you all this harm. That and it feels like we've just been kinda intruding into your personal... space, so to speak." you chuckled.

"You've had a lot going on in your mind too, huh? Of course I don't mind you guys being here. In fact, I feel safer with you all here. I mean, I feel like Shadow Freddy would've attacked me anyway and you guys just so happen to be their." He sighed and nodded. A few more moments of silence passed by and you felt Toy Bonnie shift a bit. "I'm sorry, I know you wanted alone time and I'm just kinda here. If you'd like, I can head back now." He said, about to stand up. You grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. "No, it's fine. I enjoy your company." You responded, smiling a bit. This caused him to smile and relax again. "If you insist." Then you two stayed their another hour and just stared into the sunset together.

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