Chapter 5

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Amber wakes up sick. Her throat throbs and her head pounds when making the smallest movements.

Luckily this won't affect her trip to Vidcon eighteen days from now. Amber texts her best friends telling them to stay away for a few days.

Amber grabs sweat pants and a tank top and heads for a shower. She coughs and moans in pain on the way to the bathroom and during her shower which lasted an hour and a half.

Once she finished in the bathroom, she slowly walks downstairs and sits at the table. 

Her mom walks up the basement stairs with the laundry basket and notices her sick daughter.

"Sweetheart. Are you sick?" Sherill asks.

"No mom, I decided to look and sound sick today." Amber said sarcastically. She was very moody when she was sick.

"I was just making sure. Go back upstairs and lay in bed. I bring you up some medicine." Her mother suggested.

"Mom. I'm eighteen. I know how to take medicine." Amber said.

"Fine. I hand you the medicine and some water." Sherill said. 

She put down the laundry basket and walked to the kitchen cabinet and took out some Tylenol. She poured as much as Amber needed and poured Amber a half a cup of water.

Sherill walked up to Amber and handed her the medicine.

Amber took the medicine and gagged a little. She was handed the water and drank all of that.

"Sweet dreams baby." Sherill said to her sick daughter as Amber walked back upstairs.

Amber shivered and opened the door to her bedroom. She climbed in her bed as if she were a zombie; moving slow like molasses.

She closes her eyes and instantly fell asleep due to the medicine and sickness.


She walks through the doors of the convention center and looked around. Meagan and Ashley jumped with excitement. Finally, after waiting months Vidcon had finally arrived.

The first thing they did was look around, buying things they did not need. Then taking pictures with YouTubers.

First was IJustine, then Jenna Marbles, Nigahiga, Ray William Johnson (He wasn't the girls favorite youtuber but, hey, he's famous), and Dan and Phil.

Now it was Shane Dawson's turn to meet the girls. The girls walked up to him (Amber first of course) and screamed a little. 

"Relax, don't overwhelm yourselves." Shane said with a giggle.

He took the pictures with the girls and talked to them a little. Shane and Ashley got along very well. He even took a picture with her kissing his cheek.

Once the girls were done with Shane, it was time for smosh.

Ian and Anthony were only a few people away.

Amber's heart pounded as they grew close. Once she saw a quick glance of Anthony, she began to cry. She finally gets to meet her youtube love.

She turns around and gets a hug from both her friends.

"Aw Amber, don't cry.'' Meagan says to her.

"Yeah don't cry." A man said.

Amber turned around to see Anthony looking behind her. She screams and cried some more. He wiped her tears away and gave him a big hug.

Amber forced herself to stop crying so she doesn't get tears and make-up on Anthony's shirt.

She cleans her face up and gets ready to take a picture with the guys. Meagan takes the picture and   the girls started to talk to Ian and Anthony.

"Hey, did anyone tell you how beautiful you are?" Anthony asked Amber. She smiles and answers. 

"Yeah, but not all the time. I haven't heard a guy say that to me since I broke up with my boyfriend."

"Well how about you get a boyfriend so he can say it to you everyday." Anthony says.

Amber blushes. "But who would be perfect for me?"

"How about me?" Anthony suggests.

Amber says no words but hugs him and nods her head.

For the whole day, Amber spends her time at Vidcon with her new boyfriend, Anthony. They exchange numbers and make-out non stop.

They day sadly ends but that doesn't stop the couple. Anthony takes her home and she spends the night.


Amber wakes up and coughs a little. She feels a whole lot better than she did when she woke up this morning. She was still sick though. 

Amber check the time on her phone and noticed a text message from Meagan.

Hey babe! Can you skype with me and Ashley?


Amber gets out of bed and logs into her computer and into Skype.

A conversation between Ashley and Meagan was going on. She joins the conversation and her friends showed up on her screen.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Ashley asked.

"I'm a whole lot better than I was this morning." Amber said.

"So this won't affect Vidcon will it?" Meagan asked.

"No. Thank god. So I will be like this for a few days. So I'll text you both when I feel better."

"Why not three days from now?" Ashley asked.

"Cause, I don't want you two sick. I'm not letting you two miss the greatest day of our teen-aged lives."

The girls laughed and talked a little. Amber explain her dream that she had to Ashley and Meagan.

"That's definitely a sign of the future." Meagan assumed.

"What? No." Amber disagreed.

"Well I think so. And when it happens, I'll be there to say 'I told you so'" Meagan says.

Amber rolls her eyes and the girls continued their conversation online.

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