Chapter 7 [Preperation's]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I was sitting outside the castle waiting for the empress to get ready for the journey, i didn't expect her to want to come with me but she insisted and i was in no place to tell her "No" so she's coming with me.

I was sitting outside the castle waiting for the empress to get ready for the journey, i didn't expect her to want to come with me but she insisted and i was in no place to tell her "No" so she's coming with me

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Tatsumi:(Hm, coming up i'll be taking that sorry excuse for a man's life and i'll be sending him to hell for leaving my mother to die-

-What he did is unforgivible, for what he did i'll have his head on a silver platter, and for the chucklefuck's that destroyed my home they'll have it worse, i'll teach them a lession they should have learned from there parents "Never mess with a Hybrid".)

????:"Oh, your highness."


Spear:"You look a little upset, what's wrong?"

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Spear:"You look a little upset, what's wrong?"

Tatsumi:"N-Nothing, just a personal issue, wait did you call me "You Highness"?"



Spear:"Well, you're the empress' fiancé so it would be best if i speak of you as "Your Highness" because you are the emperor to be."

Tatsumi:"Ah alright,...hey Spear?"


Tatsumi:"If your father abandoned you and your mother and year's later your mother was killed does that leave some of her blood on his hand's?"

Spear:"I could see some blood being on his hand's depending on who he was, if he was a farmer than i don't see any blood being on him but if he was a swordsman or off duty military sargent maybe, why do you ask?"

Tatsumi:"Well that's my current dilemma, my father was a wannabe samurai and as a result he abandoned my mother after i was born and a couple year's later she was killed by some gang of criminal's who burnt my village to the ground, if he was such a good swordsman why didn't he stay and help raise me? He could have saved her from dying and he didn't, i've debated on if i should kill him or not but i don't know what to do."

I sat there in silence for quite some time before Spear spoke again.

Spear:"Well, sometime's you have to ask yourself this, "Is death really more of a punishment then living?" 'Cause a criminal living out life knowing all the pain they've caused is a prison to them."

Tatsumi:"You know what? You're right, thank you Spear."

Spear:"You're welcome your highness."

Tatsumi:(i'll never get used to being called that.)

I sat there for only a minute more, then the empress walked out of the castle looking ready for battle.

Akame:"And i don't want anything done to my kingdom while i'm gone-

Akame:"And i don't want anything done to my kingdom while i'm gone-

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Spear:"Yes your highness?"

Akame:"Keep your father in check while i'm gone, if he tries to change anything while i'm gone get him back in line or when i get back he'll regret it."

Spear:"Yes your highness."

Akame:"I've also caught wind that the shard's of Murasame were stolen and i know exactly who took 'em."

Tatsumi:"Then we'll get after that first, from what i know that blade is beyond dangerous if they can fix it we're going to have a problem."

Akame:"Then you'll be quite happy to know the fucker's to stole them are the bastard's that destroyed your village, so we're getting them on two offence's, burning a village down and killing dozon's of people in it is a death sentence in of it self, stealling an artifact like Murasame or other artifact's like it is a big time offence as well, so are you ready."

Tatsumi:"Yeah, let's go

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Tatsumi:"Yeah, let's go."

I stood up and we started on our way, first thing's first we have to get those shard's of that sword back, next we have to kill those fucker's that took them and destroyed my village, and last i'll deal with my father.

It's going to be a long road ahead but with a companion beside me, i don't think it'll be too bad.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter i'll see y'all later bye]

the Empress' Dragon [Empress!Akame x Hybrid Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now