Chapter 37 [Esdeath's Demise]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

We had just gotten out if bed when we got word that Esdeath was coming to town, she had caught wind that i was back and she was ready to kill me.

Akame:"Everyone stay inside this is going to be nasty."

Lubbock:"We'll let you know when the threat is disposed of."

Bulat:(So Ex-General Esdeath is coming to town ey? This should be intresting.)

Tatsumi:"Hopefully everyone's inside, here she come's."

All if us stood in silence as Esdeath approached us with an ice army behind her.

Esdeath:"It's been to long Tatsumi-

Esdeath:"It's been to long Tatsumi-

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-Let's dance, just like old time's."

Tatsumi:"Then let's dance bitch, i'll take blue eye's you take the icy jackasses."

All:"Roger that."

We all took our posision's and began our battle's.

Esdeath:"Ready Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi:"I was born ready."

Esdeath:"Then prepare yourself Tatsumi-

Esdeath:"Then prepare yourself Tatsumi-

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-Because i won't hold back."

Tatsumi:"I was hoping you'd say that-

Tatsumi:"I was hoping you'd say that-

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the Empress' Dragon [Empress!Akame x Hybrid Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now