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Ten year old Ona'je ran up the steps searching every room for his older twelve year old brother Ondrej. "Crew." He called out to him in a whisper.

His brother poked his head out of the closest answering to his nickname he'd just been called by. "He here?" He questions referring to their father.

Ona'je nods the sounds of their mothers screams coming from downstairs. Their parents arguing growing louder and louder. "I don't give a fuck! You shouldn't of been fuckin' that nigga especially with my sons in here!" Their father yells his voice booming all the way up the steps and to the boys bedroom.

Ona'je & Crew share a look. Remember that their mother hasn't had anyone over. It's to the point to where their own family won't come around because the boys father Benjamin scared them all away. With his abusive ways verbal and physical. Pia the boys mother family tried their hardest to help her and get her away from them but once they saw nothing would work they kept their distance. Leaving Pia getting beat on everyday and the boys to either watch or hear it from upstairs. Benjamin even tried brainwashing his sons into believing that their mother was a cheater and that she's been wronging and hurting him. They were now old enough to know that their mother hasn't been around any men and he has her to afraid to even think of hurting him. Benjamin was a liar and Ona'je & Crew could see right through him.

Crew especially could.

"I haven't been with anybody I swea-" her words were cut off by a loud slap. And a thud followed shortly after. Cries and sobbing could now be heard.

"I hate you! I hate that you make me do this to you! Do you know how this make me look?! Do you know how the boys been lookin' at me?!" He rages hurt in his tone.

Crew was almost a teenager, old enough to know that his father has manipulative ways. He could pray over a pope and have him seeing God in him. Whole time Benjamin was nothing but the devil. Pia only stayed because she knew that without him they'd be left to struggle. She had no money to her name except the money that was attached to him. With Benjamin being a successful businessmen in Texas and having so many connection her sons were set for life. She figured why not endure temporary pain for a lifetime of riches for her boys? She just didn't expect her life to feel like hell. And it was becoming harder and harder to hide it from their children. While Crew had grown to hate their father Ona'je was confused. Benjamin had gotten in his head. Convincing him that they had a closer bond than Benjamin had with Crew, that nobody understands Ona'je but him. He gave Ona'je all types of sob stories about how messed up his life was as a child. Said that he needed help and as long as he understood that that he would try to be better. But listening to his mothers cries even Ona'je had to come to terms with the fact that it was all a lie.

"We gotta help her." Crew tells him brushing past his little brother he goes into the closet grabbing a gun. He hands it one to his little brother who backs up shaking his head quickly.

"We can't kill pops." Ona'je quickly denies.

Crew stares at his naive little brother. "We won't kill him will just scare him so he leaves her alone. Don't you want to help mama?" Truth be told Crew didn't know what raising a gun to his father would lead to. All he knows is that he's willing to kill any and everybody to stop the pain his mom has been going through.

Crew takes it off safety before handing it to his lil brother. Ona'je takes the gun with hesitation placing it in his pants like he sees his dad do. Crew doesn't place his away instead he carries it at his side in his hand. The weight of the gun almost weighing down on his palms but he keeps a steady grip.

They walk down the steps slowly seeing more of the scene downstairs be revealed. Their father kicking their mom in her stomach. Her cries growing louder and louder. Crew raises the gun his hands shaking. "Leave my mom alone!" He shouts.

Benjamin instantly stops. His eyes wide and a somewhat hurt expression on his face. "Ondrej put the gun down." He raises his hands in defense backing away.

Crew keeps the gun aimed at their father while motioning for Ona'je to go help their mom. He walks over dropping to the ground he holds Pia as she cries. Lifting her head up her eyes widen when she sees a gun in her baby's hand. "Ondrej give me the gun baby." She begs calmly. Holding her ribs she struggles to stand up.

Crew looks between both of his parents stepping back he backs away the gun still on Benjamin. "He was hurtin' you mama." He speaks aloud.

Pia holds Ona'je close her eyes watering. "Please just give me the gun baby you don't want to do nothing you can't take back." She continues to plead.

Crew's hand starts to lower a little as he begins to trust his mothers words. Meanwhile Ona'je watches as Benjamin clutches his gun that's in the back of his pants. He realizes that his own father is about to try and shoot his own sun. "Watch out Crew!" Ona'je screams.

Crew jumps at the sound of his brothers voice accidentally pressing down his finger on the trigger. The sound makes everyone's ears ring and nobody moves. With wide eyes they all watch as Benjamin touches his chest. His shirt quickly covering with his own blood. He glances over at Ona'je pulling out his gun he raises it towards him. Changing his aim he shoots Pia in the head. Her brains and blood splattering all over Ona'je. Instantly Benjamin switches his aim again aiming it at Crew this time.

Crew shakes in fear and Ona'je looks at his brother knowing if he didn't do something he'd die. Ona'je grabs the gun from his waist raising it he points it at his own father closing his eyes he quickly shoots. When he opens them his parents are laying beside them dead in their own blood.

Ona'je stares at the ground in hurt and confusion. The pain of possibly being the cause of both of his parents creating deep trauma within him. Crew rushes towards Ona'je grabbing him by the shoulders he forces him to look at you. "It's okay it's gone be okay I gotchu." He tries to reassure him.

Looking in Crew's eyes Ona'je thought that his brother was calm and collected. When I'm reality Crew was just trying to stay calm and be a big brother to keep his little brother from losing it.

Ona'je sat their with his a back against the wall staring off into space while Crew grabbed the guns and cleaned the finger prints before setting them up in their own mother and fathers hands. After he was done he squatted down in front of Ona'je. The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.

"We in this together, promise?" Crew asks.

Ona'je glanced up at his brother. "In this together." He repeats. The both of them shaking hands before putting on their roles. Which weren't really roles at all if you think about it. The tears that rolled down their cheeks as the cops busted in we're all real. That night they both lost someone they cared about. And they'd have to live with that for the rest of their life.

But the promise they made will forever stick with them. Ona'je and Crew would forever be in it together. They'd die for one another, they'd lie for one another. That's the promise. And they'd take it to the grave.

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