Gally Reacts to Trying to Kiss You

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Another night in the Glade, another greenie, another bonfire, and, most importantly, another chance to beat the reigning champion, Gally, in the ring.

The ring was a wrestling game the Gladers had come up with to let off some steam. No one had ever beat Gally, so the fun usually ended when he stepped up. At least, until you came into the ring. No matter how many times he threw you beyond the line in the sand, you would be back the next bonfire to try again.

Tonight was no exception.

The Gladers crowded around, as usual, your friends moaning, everyone knowing the outcome. Would it be a bloody nose? A black eye? You had seen it all, but you were determined to defeat Gally.

"Ready for your monthly pounding, shank?" Gally taunted, grinning confidently in the flickering campfire lights.

"We'll see, Gally."

You waited in annoyance as he rolled his sleeves up over his large muscles, smirking all the while.

You hated his superiority. He hated your guts. You were Keeper of the Bricknicks. He was Keeper of the Builders. You worked together, ate together, and hated each other with a passion.

Gally finished his intimidation show and stepped forward. You spat on your palms and stepped into the ring as well. You zoned out the deafening cheers of the other Gladers.

There weren't many secrets in the Glade, but you had one. You had asked the Creators for a book to train you in how to beat Gally. They had sent a file folder filled with reports.

Gally shifted his weight to his back foot. It was a sign he was about to run at you. You anticipated his move and jumped to one side just in time. He stumbled forward as the cheers grew louder. He turned, face red, with a snarl.

You knew this was coming, and you were ready.

He charged you again and this time you leaned forward slightly, using his momentum to flip him over your back.

The other Gladers went wild, but you didn't hear them. You were focused on Gally. He stopped thinking when he was angry, and right now he was furious. But you were ready.

He tried to sweep your legs from the ground, but you saw it coming and jumped over them.

"Didn't know we were playing dirty, shank." You spat at him as he leaped up, shaking off dust.

"You just signed your death warrant."

He charged you with more fury than you'd ever seen in him before. Avoiding him was impossible. The breath was knocked out of you as he body-slammed you to the ground. Your head hit the ground hard and you gasped, suddenly looking deep into Gally's eyes.

He had landed right on top of you.

You just then noticed how soft his eyes were behind the anger. And he just then noticed how afraid yours were, behind your mask. You took a sharp breath in, realizing that Gally smelled like oak wood and rain.

Your faces were two inches apart. The hooting and hollering of the other boys died down, as they noticed neither of you moving. You stayed, Gally on top of you, breathing in each other.

Then Gally leaned down a little further and you snapped out of it.

What on earth am I doing?

You pulled one of your knees up as Gally's lips came to meet yours and just before he kissed you, you flipped him over on his back... two inches over the Ring's line.

"We have a winner!"

You didn't hear yourself being celebrated and cheered as the new victor in the Ring game. You didn't see the other boys gathering around to shake your hand or clap you on the back. You only saw Gally.

His face would be the only thing you'd see for a long time. 

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