Gally Reacts to Him Being Sick

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"Y/n! Y/n!"

You looked up and saw Jeff running over to you. You put down the dish you were picking up.

"I'll be right back, Frypan," You yelled over your shoulder, and you ran to meet Jeff.

"What's wrong, Jeff?" You asked.

"It's Gally," Jeff said, panting.

You sighed. Ever since you started to date Gally, the boys of the Glade came to you with every Gally-related problem. And with Gally being, well, Gally, there were many problems.

"What did he do this time, Jeff?" You asked with a groan. "Did he yell at you or something?"

"No, it's more serious I'm afraid." Jeff caught his breath and said, "He's in the medjack hut. He's sick."

The annoyance you felt turned immediately to worry.

"Is it alright?" You asked urgently.

"Yes. Well, no. He's sick, and he's refusing our help. He's trying to leave and get back to work. And he's yelling at Clint something awful. Alby and Newt are in there now, trying to get him to settle down. But you know how he is. Help?"

"I'm on my way," You said.
"You're on your way where?" Frypan's voice came from the kitchens.

"Problem with Gally!" You called and ran off with Jeff.

You heard a crash as you and Jeff arrived at the medjack hut.

"Good luck," Jeff said, looking intimidated. "I'll just stay out here."

"Coward," You teased. Then you both heard another crash.

"Better a coward than dead," Jeff said.

You rolled your eyes and walked inside.

"Gally, be reasonable!" Alby was saying.

"You be reasonable! We're in the middle of a major project! And if I'm not there to get onto those guys, they won't do anything!" Gally said.

At least, that's what you think he said. His nose was so stuffed up that his voice was nearly unrecognizable, and he coughed after every word.
"Gally, what the shuck. Get in bed right now!" You declared, loudly and with power.

Everyone in the room stopped and stared at you.

"Right. Now." You repeated.

Gally stared at you. You could see him considering ignoring you.

"Gally, I swear on the Creators, if you don't get in that bed in the next ten seconds and rest until Clint and Jeff tell you that you can get up, I'll lock you in the slammer myself!"

Gally dropped his eyes and slunk into bed, grumbling about how he was going to anyway.

"Thanks, y/n. You're the only one he listens to," Newt said with a sigh.

"Nah, he just wants me to give him attention. He's a big baby, really," You said.

"I do not. And I am not!" Gally insisted from under the covers.

"Sure, Gally, sure," You reassured him.

"I'll take it from here, guys."

"Thanks, y/n," Clint said, passing you the thermometer.

"No problem."  

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