Gally Reacts to You Kissing As Enemies

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"Newt, I swear on the grievers, I literally cannot deal with Gally," You exclaim, slamming your fists on the table.

Newt sighed.

"For the sixteenth time, y/n, you and Gally are joint keepers of the builders. You're going to have to find a way to get along," Newt said.

"Impossible!" You yelled. "Entirely impossible. I will never be able to get along with him."

"Fine, do you want to do another job?" Newt asked.

"No! I love the builders. Get Gally another job!" You demand.

"That's not going to happen, y/n, and you know that," Newt replied.

"Well, whatever, but this isn't working. Something needs to change." You cross your arms.

Newt shrugged. "I've done everything I know to do, y/n. But whenever we try to talk things out with the both of you, you end up yelling."

"Talking doesn't work with him!" You explain.

"So, then try something that's not talking, then," Newt said, defeated.

You were silent for a minute.

"What did you say?" You asked, your voice low.

"Try something that's not talking?" Newt repeated, confused.

"Brilliant," You mutter. "That shank wants to play with me, I won't play by his rules. Thanks for the idea, Newt."

"Y/n, what are you scheming?" Newt asked, but you were already outside.

You ran across the Glade and found Gally pounding nails into the roof of a hut.

"Gally, get down here right now."

"No," He replied.

"If you're not down here in the next ten seconds, I'm going to scream to the whole Glade that you sleep with a teddy bear you found in the Box."

"Don't you shucking dare!"

Gally scrambled down from the hut as quickly as humanly possible, making you smile smugly.

"What do you want." He snapped, crossing his arms.

"This," You said.

You grabbed Gally by the back of his neck and kissed him on the lips.

Gally went beet red and stumbled back.

"What the SHUCK was that?!" He stuttered when he got his voice back.

"Newt said to try something different. Something that wasn't talking."

"So you decided to KISS ME!? What the shuck?!"

You shrugged.
"Did it work? Are we getting along?"


"Do you want me to kiss you again?"

"Yes! Wait, no!"

"HA!" You squeal. "You do want it! Well, I'm not going to kiss you again unless you work with me."


"REALLY!? That worked?"

"I really hate you," Gally said.

"I hate you too, Captain." 

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