Newt Reacts to His Friend Hitting You

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Newt was well-liked in the Glade. Aside from Gally, who hated everyone unbiasedly, the Gladers respected Newt and came to him with their problems. When he started dating you, everyone was naturally delighted that Newt had found someone he loved and who loved him. One of Newt's closest friends, Thomas, was slightly jealous of your relationship with Newt.

On this particular day, Newt had decided to play a prank on one of his close friends, Thomas. You had been spending a lot of time with Minho, as you had just become a runner, and Newt decided to use that to tease Thomas about his jealously.

"Thomas!" Newt called, beckoning his friend closer.

"What's up?"

"I need advice." Newt set his trap.

"Anything, how can I help?" Thomas took the bait, and Newt carefully hid his smile.

"I think y/n's cheating on me." He said, forcing himself to look sad.



A few of the Trackhoes looked over at them, and Newt grabbed Thomas's arm to lead him away.

"Not so loud, shank! I don't have any proof. But they've been spending a lot of time with Minho lately. What do you think?"

Thomas's face blushed twelve shades of red and his fists clenched. At first, Newt tried not to laugh, but when Thomas muttered, "I'll take care of this", and marched off, he began to wonder if his prank had gone too far.

Meanwhile, you were in the Map room with Minho, adding the day's findings to the map. You had just reached for the same piece of wood as Minho, and your hands touched.

That was all Thomas saw as he exploded into the room; it was all he needed to see.

He walked right up and punched you square in the eye.

You stumbled back, your hip bumping the map table, holding your eye.

Without missing a beat, Minho stepped up and punched Thomas in the jaw. Thomas cried in pain, falling backward into Newt, who had followed him into the hut.

They collapsed together, Newt jumping up first to assess the situation.

"Minho, did you hit y/n?!" He hissed with fury, his fists clenched, ready to fight the bigger boy.

"What?! No! I was protecting them from Thomas! He hit them!"

"Only because they cheated on you, Newt!" Thomas moaned.

"It was a shucking joke, Tommy! What the shuck were you thinking!?"

Newt hurried over and helped you up.
"Are you alright, love?" He pulled your hand from your eye gently as you nodded.

"I think so. Do I have a black eye?"

"Not yet, but we'd better put some ice on it." Newt put his hand around your waist, to help you to the medjacks hut. Before leaving, he stopped to issue his orders as second-in-command.

"Minho accompany Thomas to the slammer. Let the Baggers there know that he hit another Glader. I'll have Alby handle him later."

Minho nodded, then paused. "What about me?" He asked. "I hit Thomas."

Newt looked from Thomas to Minho.

"Did you?" He asked. "I didn't see anything. As far as I know, it didn't happen."

"Thanks, Newt." Minho smiled, grabbing Thomas's arm and dragging him to his feet.

"Thomas?" Newt said.


"Never come near y/n again."

Newt picked out up once outside the map room and carried you to the medjacks hut. As he did, you brushed a wisp of curly blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Thanks for saving me." You mumbled.

"Anytime, love." He whispered back, planting a kiss on your forehead. "Anytime." 

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