Gally Makes You Jealous

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"I don't understand why she won't go out with me," Gally grumbled to Frypan, who seemed to be the go-to for late night talks.

"I mean, don't take this the wrong way, but you're not exactly price charming."

Gally glared at Frypan, who quickly went back to wiping dishes.

"I'm just saying, they barely look in my direction! I've tried everything!"

"Threatening, manipulating and gaslighting is hardly what I would call everything," Frypan sighed.

"What would you suggest?" Gally snapped.

"Try being nice?"

Gally rolled his eyes. Then, he lit up with an idea.

"I know! I'll make them jealous," Gally explained.

"Bad idea," Frypan said, but Gally was already walking out the door.


Theresa flinched as Gally stormed over to where she was talking with Thomas.

"Gally, what's up?" Thomas asked.

"Not talking to you, green bean. Theresa, can I kiss you?"

"No." Theresa said without hesitation.

"Please," Gally grumbled.

"Wow, Gally she just came up and already crushing on her?"

"Thomas I will put your face in your belly button if you speak again. Theresa, I need to make y/n jealous. Help me or I'll make your life a living hell."

"It's already hell," Theresa sighed.

"Look, Gally, why don't I just tell Y/n that you kissed Theresa? That'll make them jealous, right?" Thomas asked.

"First sensible idea you've had since you got here, greenie," Gally said after a moments consideration. "Go, do it now."

Thomas hurried off under Gally's orders. Soon enough he found you, working with Newt in the garden.

"Gally kissed Theresa!" Thomas blurted out.

You blinked twice in confusion.

"What." You said.

Thomas repeated himself.

"Thanks for letting me know...?" You said hesitantly.

"Aren't you jealous?" Thomas asked.

You were, a little. But you sure weren't going to say that.

"Why should I be?"

Thomas looked defeated.

"Guess he'll have to try something else," Thomas muttered.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

Thomas paled and ran away.

I shook my head, smiled, and went back to work. But I couldn't help but wonder. Did he actually kiss Theresa? Was he trying to make me jealous?

And why did I care? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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