Don't look back- Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-

I woke up the next morning and I had the biggest headache I’ve ever had before. I was sweaty and scared and my throat hurt from screaming.

The things that scared me most about my dream was that I was running in a dark forest and there were people chasing me they kept shouting, ‘Stop come back I can explain.’ that was the familiar voice.

The other voice was saying, ‘Alexa I missed you.’  That one was unfamiliar, I think.

The last and third was the scariest, it was more of a whisper than anything. This one said, ‘you’re coming with me rather you like it or not.’

I sat up and walked downstairs to get aspirin, a bagel, and to find Jessica.

I saw a pink note on the table and went over to read it; Hey Alexa I went out to get party stuff so you better be ready when I get back! –Jess.

I sighed and headed back upstairs to put some sweats and a tank on, then made my way to the guest house.

About 30 minutes later—after I started cleaning, Jessica came back with five huge bags, one of which was a clothes bag.

“Ohh what’s in there?” I point to the clothes bag as she sets down the others.

“Just some clothes and shoes I bout for me…” she pauses to look at me and I pout. “And you of course!”

I giggle at her and run over to her to look into the bag, she reached in and pulled out a little black dress with lots of silver jewelry and box with black heels in it. She sat it down on the couch and then she pushed what was left in the bag to me.

I looked inside and pulled out a pink dress with a black v shaped strap that wound around to my back, there was also a big black watch with rhinestones and a box of shoes.

The shoes were a taupe color and looked like boots but they weren’t.

“Jess, this is really pretty!” I look at her amazed. “Why didn’t you let me come along with you?” I look at her waiting for an answer.

“I wanted to surprise you and it looks like I did, mission accomplished.” I laugh and hug her tightly to me. She hugs back and laughs.

“Okay, now let’s start moving the valuables and furniture out of the way so we can have time to get ready.” She looks at pouting, and I can tell she doesn’t want to move anything.

“Oh come on Alexa can’t we just call someone to move it for us?” I smile and her and walk over to iPod dock I plug my iPod in and put it on shuffle and a Ke$ha song starts to play.

I drag her around and start singing to her as we clan the guest house.


Two hours later the house is ready and we head over to the main house to get ready, I shower and give myself a pedicure to match my shoes. I change into the dress quickly so I can spend the remainder of my time doing my hair and make-up.

After two hours of that I picked up my phone from where I dropped it last night and I had two voice mails, I listened to them, one was Aimee saying she couldn’t wait to come to the party, yay!

Note the major sarcasm.

The other was Justin, his just said to call him. So I did.


“Hey, Alexa what’s up?”

“Nothing, you left a voice mail saying that you needed me to call you.”

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