Chapter 6~ Katelyn's Care

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"So Y/n, what're your plans for today?"

It was a few days after my existential crisis on the roof, and Katelyn and I were the only ones still eating as we had both woken up late. If I had a dime for every meal I've had alone with Katelyn...I'd have one dime. But I guess it's good to cherish the few dimes life throws at you. That's what my younger sister 'taught me' at least when she was saving up money for a cat when she was 10. (Spoiler alert, most kids struggle with saving money).

I shrugged. "I haven't really been planning anything for myself. I've kinda just been tagging along with anyone that invites me! Otherwise, I laze about here."

Katelyn let out a laugh. "There's a difference between lazing about and relaxing, my friend. Going out to do something everyday can be tiring, so I feel you on wanting to stay here. If you ask me, no bills, no worries."

"That's true! But...hehe. I've spent more time inside than out. We've been here for a little over two weeks, and I've kinda been on autopilot, doing the same things I do at home," I admitted.

"Even the renowned Love~Love Paradise is nothing to Y/n! Who I heard was a bit of a bad girl in high school? Do tell! I never did buy your stories about being called down to the office," Katelyn exclaimed.

"It wasn't that big of a deal... I just had bad attendance, truth be told. Didn't care too much about school."

Katelyn nodded. "That's fair. It seems like you're doing well, whatever you ended up doing in school. Speaking of that... Teony mentioned something about you doing some good. What would that include?"

My mind drifted to the Shadow Knights and my aid in their reform. I can't bottle up high school memories forever... As embarrassing as it is, I need to reaccept everything again. "She was probably referring to my efforts in changing the villainous Shadow Knights."

"You were seriously involved with them? Impressive, Y/n. I remember Aph crying to me about them once, but at the end of her freshman year Gene and his gang actually apologized. I guess it was thanks to you."

I smiled and shook my head. "I might've helped them change, but any amending was all Gene's doing."

"Now that I think about it...I feel like whenever I'd hear about you, Gene was also mentioned..." Katelyn trailed off, her eyes meeting with mine. "Eh, the past's in the past. It'll always be important, but the present is pretty great, too. Heck, the present is awesome! Here we are talking, which we definitely don't do enough. That...actually has me thinking. What if we have ourselves a bit of a Katelyn and Y/n beach day?"

Hanging out with Katelyn, huh? "Sounds fun!"

We went upstairs to prepare for our beach day and soon set out. Once we arrived at the beach, we set down our towels and sat down.

"Say Katelyn, do you go on vacation a lot?" I asked. "Like, any family trips growing up or something?"

"Not at all... My family grew up poor, and it was hard without my mom around." She looked solemn for a moment, but she quickly perked up and joked, "Why, do I look like a frequent traveler?"

I shook my head. "Nah, it's just that my ex-parents never took me anywhere despite having the money, so I was curious. By the time I got adjusted with my actual parents, I never really had the time to travel except to visit relatives on holidays."

"So I guess this is the first real vacation for the both of us! I'd say we both deserve this after our childhoods."

I laughed. "I'd say you're right! Man, it feels like a lifetime ago for me. I'm so used to my family now, even my actual cousins..."

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