Chapter 1- a happy morning..

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TWS FOR THIS CHAPTER: swearing (whole chapter) mention of injury (mild, warning beforehand) SUMMARY AT THE END

🎶🎵Song For This Chapter: 5:32 PM by The Deli (put it on loop)

-quackity pov-

I woke up and glanced at the clock on my bedside. 8:30 am. I shifted slightly. Karl was laying next to me as was Sapnap. I slowly shifted out of Karl's arms, and went to my chests. They held my clothes, and all of my items. My ender chest held all of my *ahem* gender items. My t, my binders, my sports bras, an oversized hoodie, change of underwear and if needs must some bandages. Speaking of binders, I needed to sort one out.


Fuuuuuuck this.

I grabbed my binder for today, my ripped one, and an old one and got changed. I went downstairs, grabbed an apple, and left a note on the fridge. "Take care my amors, I've popped out to grab something. I'll be back around 10. Quack" it read. With that I left the house.

I started heading in the direction of Eret's palace. It took me about 30 minutes to get there. I knocked. "Who is it?" Eret replied.

"Quackity. I need you to fix something, and I need to make a donation."

"Enter." I walked into the foyer, and was greeted by their majesty. "So what is the something? Is it what I think?" she said. I held out the ripped binder.

"Holy Prime, that's gonna take a while to me to fix Quack. What happened?!" He took it.

❗start of tw for mild injury❗

"I ran into some pillagers. They slashed straight down my front. I wasn't hurt much, mainly a surface wound, but I wish I could say the same for my binder." It was ripped -or rather sliced - directly down the centre in the middle of the compression area.

❕end of tw❕

"I'll say. And the donation?" I held out the old one. This one was in near perfect condition, just too small for me now. "Wow, that one looks almost new. I remember making you that one. You'd just come out to me.." Their eyes went misty with nostalgia.

"You refused to let me pay for it!" I exclaimed. "Figured I might as well return it to you so you could pass on the kindness to someone who needs it."

"Well thank you, I'm sure this could mean a lot to someone. She placed the donated binder in a chest, labelled 'BFR' meaning binders for restoration. Eret was the main maker and seller of trans clothing around. Eret and Fundy were the only people that knew I was trans. And Ranboo of course. Ranboo co-owned the business and supplied hormones.

"Alright. Come back in about 2 days."

"Okay, see you then your majesty."

"Quackity, you're my friend. There's no need for all that faff..." Eret sighed.

"Okay then. I'll be going, I have to get home."

"See you. Don't run there, bind safely!"

"Will do!!" With that I left, and ran into Fundy who was heading for the palace. "Oh hey Quack! Watcha doin?" He said, very cheerfully. "I just dropped a binder off for repair, you?"

"I need to grab this month's gender juice," he laughed slightly. "Coolio, I'll see you around?" I gave him playful finger guns. "Seeya!" He strode down the path to the palace.

-30 minutes later-

I walked into the house and was greeted by my two lovers. "Hiya Q!" Karl said brightly. "We saw your note by the way." He smiled.

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